"Wraio meros hsuxo xamili mousiki ALLA elaxisto proswpiko kai gia na sou erthei to poto prepei na to parageileis ena mhna prin !"
· Χαλάνδρι, Ελλάδα
8.8"Best souvlaki in the city!!"
· Χαλάνδρι, Ελλάδα
7.6"Ta skulia sti plateia exoun proveies adi gia gouna"
"Poso dhthen? Kai o portieris as xalarwsei ligo.. Sti porta tou cash douleuei oxi sti porta tou barney's"
· Κηφισιά, Ελλάδα
7.9"Polu wraies waffles kanoun kai exairetiko pagwto kinder!!!"
Ice Cream
· Νέα Ερυθραία, Ελλάδα
7.7"A magical place where reality aligns with dreams and miracles.. Unicorns sunbathing near the fairy dust river giant bears turn out to be the most friendly and warm hosts !!"