Historical Ties

1. West College

945 Mohawk Trail, Williamstown, MA
College Residence Hall · 1 tip

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: On November 4, 1834 on the second floor of West College, 30 men joined together in forming the group that would become the WIlliams Chapter and effectively founding Delta Upsilon Fraternity.

2. East College

10 Lawrence Hall Dr (Main Street), Williamstown, MA
College Residence Hall · 1 tip

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: In the living quarters of East College, Francis Tappan, with Stephen Field and Lewis Lockwood, vowed to take a stand against secret groups at Williams College. The idea of an open fraternity was born.

Williams College is one of Historical Ties.

3. Williams College

880 Main St (at Spring St), Williamstown, MA
University · 4 tips and reviews

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: The Delta Upsilon Fraternity was founded on November 4, 1834 when 30 men stood together against the oppressive, secret societies of Williams College.

271 Madison Ave. is one of Historical Ties.

4. 271 Madison Ave.

271 Madison Ave, New York, NY
Structure · Murray Hill · 4 tips and reviews

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: After a move in 1820 to 10 W. 23rd Street, the central office of Delta Upsilon moved to 271 Madison Avenue in 1940 where it would remain, and conduct all fraternity business until 1969.

840 Broadway is one of Historical Ties.

5. 840 Broadway

840 Broadway (E 13th St), New York, NY
Apartment or Condo · Greenwich Village · 1 tip

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: The Michigan Convention of 1882 determined the need for a central fraternity office. In 1883, administrative staff moved into the 840 block off Broadway in downtown Manhattan.

Hilton Chicago is one of Historical Ties.

6. Hilton Chicago

720 S Michigan Ave (at E Balbo Ave), Chicago, IL
Hotel · South Loop · 146 tips and reviews

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: Before becoming the Chicago Hilton in 1951, the Stevens Hotel was site of the fraternity's 1933 convention. That year, Chicago also hosted the World's Fair, chaired by fraternity alumnus Rufus Dawes.

7. Grand Pacific Hotel

242 S Clark Street (Jackson), Chicago, IL
Hotel · The Loop · 2 tips and reviews

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: One of the first prominent hotels constructed after the fire of 1871, the Grand Pacific Hotel was the site where Standard Time was adopted in 1883 and the site of the fraternity convention in 1890.

Roosevelt University is one of Historical Ties.

8. Roosevelt University

430 S Michigan Ave (E Congress Pkwy), Chicago, IL
University · The Loop · 14 tips and reviews

Delta Upsilon FraternityDelta Upsilon Fraternity: Before it became apart of the Roosevelt University campus in 1947, the Auditorium Hotel was site of the 1904 fraternity Chicago convention.