Gettysburg Battlefield
Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

1. Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center

1195 Baltimore Pike (btwn Middle St & Route 15), Gettysburg, PA
History Museum · 61 tips and reviews

Wendell H.Wendell Hand: Pick up the driving tour audio cd at the counter in bookstore. Grab the map from the info desk and hit the road. Allows you to drive and visit at your pace and get some stories along the way.

Spangler's Spring is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

2. Spangler's Spring

Colgrove Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 2 tips and reviews

3. 111th PA Infantry Monument

Uncategorized · No tips or reviews
Culp's Hill is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

4. Culp's Hill

Culp's Hill (Slocum Ave.), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 5 tips and reviews

Lorian B.Lorian Bruce: 94 steps to the top of the tower.

137th NY Infantry Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

5. 137th NY Infantry Monument

(Solcum Ave), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 1 - McPherson Ridge is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

6. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 1 - McPherson Ridge

Reynolds Ave S Cumberland, PA 17325, Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: The Battle of Gettysburg began about 8 a.m. to the west beyond the McPherson barn as Union cavalry confronted Confederate infantry advancing east along Chambersburg Pike.

John Fulton Reynolds Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

7. John Fulton Reynolds Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
General Lee's Headquarters is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

8. General Lee's Headquarters

401 Buford Ave, Gettysburg, PA
History Museum · 4 tips and reviews
9th New York Cavalry Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

9. 9th New York Cavalry Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Park · 2 tips and reviews
Eternal Light Peace Memorial is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

10. Eternal Light Peace Memorial

Confederate Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 10 tips and reviews

CJ W.CJ Wallington: The rifled Whitworth cannons from here could reach almost part of the battlefield.

Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 3 - Oak Ridge is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

11. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 3 - Oak Ridge

Doubleday Ave (Robinson Ave), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Union soldiers here held stubbornly against Rodes’s advance. By 3:30 p.m., however, the entire Union line from here to McPherson Ridge had begun to crumble, finally falling back to Cemetery Hill.

Barlow Knoll Loop is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

12. Barlow Knoll Loop

104 Doubleday Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Park · 2 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: When Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early’s Confederates smashed Union defenders here at 3 p.m., the Federal line north of Gettysburg collapsed.

13. Gettysburg & Northern Railroad

750 Mummasburg Rd, Gettysburg, PA
Train · 1 tip

Todd S.Todd Shellock: Built on one of the Battle's bloodiest grounds, employees say they've heard and seen ghosts at the engine house. The spot has also been visited by the Travel Channel's "Mysterious Journeys."

14. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 4 - North Carolina Memorial

S. Confederate Ave., Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: Early in the day, the Confederate army positioned itself on high ground here along Seminary Ridge... The lines of both armies formed two parallel “fishhooks.”

North Carolina Monument - Gettysburg is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

15. North Carolina Monument - Gettysburg

195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
Tennessee Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

16. Tennessee Monument

Southwest Confederate Avenue, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 5 - Virginia Memorial is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

17. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 5 - Virginia Memorial

S. Confederate Ave., Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: The large open field to the east is where the last Confederate assault of the battle, known as “Pickett’s Charge,” occurred July 3.

Longstreet Observation Tower is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

18. Longstreet Observation Tower

SW Confederate Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Scenic Lookout · 8 tips and reviews

C. F.C. Fergy: Come early in the morning or late in the afternoon for the best views, it is also much cooler then.

Alabama Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

19. Alabama Monument

South Confederate Avenue, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
South Carolina Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

20. South Carolina Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
Arkansas Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

21. Arkansas Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
State of Texas Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

22. State of Texas Monument

S Confederate Ave., Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 7 - Warfield Ridge is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

23. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 7 - Warfield Ridge

S. Confederate Ave (Emmitsburg Rd), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Longstreet’s assaults began here at 4 p.m. They were directed against Union troops occupying Devil’s Den, the Wheatfield, and Peach Orchard, and against Meade’s undefended left flank at the Round Tops

Little Round Top is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

24. Little Round Top

Sykes Ave (Crawford Rd), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 25 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Quick action by Brig. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, Meade’s chief engineer, alerted Union officers to the Confederate threat and brought Federal reinforcements to defend this position.

New York Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

25. New York Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
20th Maine Civil War Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

26. 20th Maine Civil War Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
Big Round Top is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

27. Big Round Top

Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

28. Devils Den

Crawford Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 14 tips and reviews

Alexander Gardner's Civil War ViewsAlexander Gardner's Civil War Views: "There were several regiments of Sharpshooters employed on both sides during the war. The first regiment was composed of men who brought their own rifles, and could snuff a candle at a hundred yards."

The Wheatfield is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

29. The Wheatfield

Sickles Road (DeTrobriand Rd), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 3 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Charge and countercharge left this field and the nearby woods strewn with over 4,000 dead and wounded.

30. Irish Brigade Monument

Sickles Rd, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 3 tips and reviews
General John Sedgwick Memorial is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

31. General John Sedgwick Memorial

Sedgwick Avenue, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 2 tips and reviews
Plum Run is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

32. Plum Run

250 United States Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Field · No tips or reviews

33. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 10a - Trostle Farm

United States Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Arts and Entertainment · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: The Union line extended from Devil’s Den to here, then angled northward on Emmitsburg Road. Federal cannon bombarded Southern forces until about 6:30 pm when Confederate attacks overran this position.

Peach Orchard At Gettysburg is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

34. Peach Orchard At Gettysburg

Gettysburg, PA
Field · 4 tips and reviews

Tom J.Tom J: Scene of heavy fighting during the Second Day of battle, as Longstreet's Confederate forces attacked and forced the Union artillery back up Cemetery Hill.

35. Rose Farm House

Wheatfield Rd, Gettysburg, PA
Farm · No tips or reviews

36. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 11a - Father Corby

Hancock Ave (United States Ave), Gettysburg, PA
Sculpture Garden · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: While fighting raged to the south at the Wheatfield and Little Round Top, retreating Union soldiers crossed this ground on their way from the Peach Orchard to Cemetery Ridge.

Minnesota Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

37. Minnesota Monument

Hancock Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 12 - Pennsylvania Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

38. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 12 - Pennsylvania Monument

Hancock Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Park · 3 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Union artillery held the line alone here on Cemetery Ridge late in the day as Meade called for infantry from Culp’s Hill and other areas to strengthen and hold the center of the Union position.

State of Pennsylvania Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

39. State of Pennsylvania Monument

Hancock Ave (at Pleasonton Ave), Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 1 tip
Army Of The Potomac Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

40. Army Of The Potomac Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
Hancock Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

41. Hancock Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
Copse of Trees is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

42. Copse of Trees

Gettysburg, PA
Field · No tips or reviews
The High Water Mark is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

43. The High Water Mark

818 Hancock Dr (Gettysburg National Park), Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 12 tips and reviews

Ethan P.Ethan Pierce: Brigadier General Lewis Armistead fell here.

Gettysburg Story Auto Tour - Stop 14 - East Cemetery Hill is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

Debi B.Debi B: At dusk Jul 2, Union forces repelled a Confederate assault that reached the crest of this hill. By day’s end, both flanks of the Union army had been attacked and both had held, despite losing ground.

The High Water Mark is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

45. The High Water Mark

818 Hancock Dr (Gettysburg National Park), Gettysburg, PA
Monument · 12 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Late in the afternoon, after a two-hour cannonade, some 7,000 Union soldiers posted around the Copse of Trees, “Pickett’s Charge” against the Federal center.

The Angle, Gettysburg Battlefield is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

46. The Angle, Gettysburg Battlefield

Hancock Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews
Pickett's Charge is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

47. Pickett's Charge

Gettysburg, PA
Scenic Lookout · 5 tips and reviews
Meade's Headquarters is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

48. Meade's Headquarters

Taneytown Rd (Hunt Ave), Gettysburg, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews

Alexander Gardner's Civil War ViewsAlexander Gardner's Civil War Views: "The second of July was one of the most lovely days of the season, with the exception of occasional shots...remained perfectly quiet. The headquarters, however...presented a most animated appearance."

49. Gettysburg Story Auto Tour Stop 16 - National Cemetery

Taneytown Rd, Gettysburg, PA
Cemetery · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: Gettysburg Address, delivered at the cemetery’s dedication on November 19, 1863. 'But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground.'

Gettysburg National Cemetery is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

50. Gettysburg National Cemetery

Gettysburg National Cemetery (Baltimore Pike), Gettysburg, PA
Cemetery · 8 tips and reviews

Alexander Gardner's Civil War ViewsAlexander Gardner's Civil War Views: "The original (Evergreen) cemetery was a very handsome enclosure, and contained many elegant monuments, very few of which were injured, notwithstanding the terrible nature of the conflict."

51. East Cavalry Battlefield

Cavalry Field Rd, Gettysburg, PA
Field · 1 tip

Debi B.Debi B: Here on July 3, during the cannonade that preceded Pickett’s Charge, Union cavalry under Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg intercepted and then checked Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart’s Confederate cavalry.

Michigan Cavalry Brig / Custer Monument is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

52. Michigan Cavalry Brig / Custer Monument

Gettysburg, PA
Monument · No tips or reviews
Jennie Wade House is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

53. Jennie Wade House

548 Baltimore St, Gettysburg, PA
History Museum · 10 tips and reviews

HIPI PAHIPI PA: Jennie Wade Ghost Tour. Definitely worth going to see. It should be on every Paranormal Investigator's To-do List.

54. Soldiers National Museum

777 Baltimore St, Gettysburg, PA
History Museum · 1 tip

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: One of our 10 Great Haunted Places Across the USA. This former orphanage is near the site of one of the Civil War's bloodiest battles and the building has its own tragic history. Read more.

Gettysburg Ghost Tours is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

55. Gettysburg Ghost Tours

47 Steinwehr Ave (Baltimore), Gettysburg, PA
Arts and Entertainment · 11 tips and reviews

Josseline C.Josseline Carbonare: Ghost tours are awesome! Go on the midnight makes it a lot more fun! Great guides with a lot of information!

56. Daniel Lady Farm

(on Hanover Rd. (Rt. 116)), Gettysburg, PA
Farm · 2 tips and reviews

Todd S.Todd Shellock: The Travel Channel's "Mysterious Journeys" filmed here. Serving as a Confederate field hospital during battle, blood stains can be found on the wooden floors. Bring a camera to catch ghostly images!

Farnsworth House Inn is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

57. Farnsworth House Inn

401 Baltimore St (Lincoln St.), Gettysburg, PA
Bed and Breakfast · 27 tips and reviews

Todd S.Todd Shellock: Considered one of the most haunted places in U.S., many TV crews film paranormal activity here. It is said rebel sharpshooters stand guard, spirits walk the halls, & soldiers are heard in the basement

Ghosts of Gettysburg Tours is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

58. Ghosts of Gettysburg Tours

271 Baltimore St (Breckenridge St), Gettysburg, PA
Arts and Entertainment · 5 tips and reviews

Mark N.Mark Nesbitt: Head for the green room and talk to Hank - a Confederate ghost soldier sentry who goes on duty when the lights go out. See if you can find out his real name and what state he calls home!

59. Americas Best Value Inn

301 Steinwehr Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Hotel · 7 tips and reviews

Debi B.Debi B: Close & cheap.

Gettysburg Recreational Park is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

60. Gettysburg Recreational Park

545 Long Ln, Gettysburg, PA
Park · 3 tips and reviews

Nadine B.Nadine Bigham: Farmers market--donut peaches and other great produce-----

Mr. G's Homemade Ice Cream is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

61. Mr. G's Homemade Ice Cream

404 Baltimore St (Lefever St), Gettysburg, PA
Ice Cream Parlor · 28 tips and reviews

Rick K.Rick K.: Great homemade ice cream. Different flavors often, but I loved the watermelon flavor

Avenue Restaurant is one of Gettysburg Battlefield.

62. Avenue Restaurant

21 Steinwehr Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Diner · 33 tips and reviews

Karen M.Karen Mitchell Carothers: Yummy diner food. Food snobs need not apply. Go to The Pub where they'll charge you 3x as much.