Hotels (Surabaya-East Java)

1. Majapahit Hotel

(Hotel Majapahit)
Jalan Tunjungan 65, Kec Genteng (Genteng), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Genteng · 102 tips and reviews

Helena N.Helena Natanael: At first this hotel named Hotel Oranje (in Dutch colonial era) or Hotel Yamato (Japan colonial era). This hotel is the silent witness of Peristiwa Perobekan Bendera in Surabaya.

Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

2. Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers

Jl. Embong Malang No. 25-31 (Tunjungan), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Kedungdoro · 166 tips and reviews

Iman H.Iman Hidajat: The location of this hotel is the most important aspect. Next to the biggest mall in Surabaya and all good culinary places.

JW Marriott Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

3. JW Marriott Hotel

(Hotel JW Marriott)
Jl. Embong Malang No. 85-89, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Kedungdoro · 183 tips and reviews

Muthi K.Muthi Kautsar: One of the most prominent hotels in the city. Find a restaurant nearby that serves local dish 'Rawon Setan' for a very late munchies and hangover cure.

Shangri-La Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

4. Shangri-La Hotel

(Hotel Shangri-La)
Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono No. 120, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Pakis · 137 tips and reviews

Rie A.Rie Antie: Try Jamoo to get different experiences

Hotel Pullman Surabaya City Centre is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

5. Hotel Pullman Surabaya City Centre

Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmad No. 67-73 (Jl. Embong Gayam), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 91 tips and reviews
Bumi Surabaya Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

6. Bumi Surabaya Hotel

(Hotel Bumi Surabaya)
Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmad No. 106-128, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 123 tips and reviews

Chandra I.Chandra Irawan: Lobby area - Haagen-Dazs available...

Java Paragon Hotel and Residences is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

7. Java Paragon Hotel and Residences

Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono No. 101-103, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Dukuh Pakis · 102 tips and reviews

Ferry K.Ferry Kurniawan: This 4-star hotel offers great, comfy room w/ king sized bed & 42" LCD Screen! I love the bathroom design and the complimentary high-speed internet. Looking forward to stay here again on my next trip

Surabaya Suites Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

8. Surabaya Suites Hotel

Jl. Pemuda No. 33-37 (Jl. Plaza Boulevard), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 86 tips and reviews

Nabila G.Nabila Ghassani: This hotel is very clean, comfort and it has a fresh air. The food is also delicious! You can order "nasi goreng jancuk" if you love super spicy food! Let's try it :)

Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

9. Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites

Jalan Ngagel 173 175, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Ngagel · 119 tips and reviews

Altrerosje N.Altrerosje Ngastowo: a great riverside hotel with a great outdoor, you would feel like you're staying in a holiday resort hotel instead of a city hotel, a perfect sanctuary with a good service

Tunjungan Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

10. Tunjungan Hotel

(Hotel Tunjungan)
Jalan Tunjungan No. 102-104 (Jl. Basuki Rachmat, Jl. Mergoyoso), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Kedungdoro · 55 tips and reviews

Khatherinah A.Khatherinah Atmodjo: Agak oldies, need some upgrading on the interior.

Garden Palace Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

11. Garden Palace Hotel

(Hotel Garden Palace)
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 11 (Jl. Pemuda), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 131 tips and reviews

Farah M.Farah Monika: Your money's worth. The hotel's a bit old and needs a few renovations here and there but it's satisfactory. Hotel staffs are courteous.

Royal Regal Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

12. Royal Regal Hotel

Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 35 (Jl. Kecilung), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Ketabang · 25 tips and reviews

Dion R.Dion Rinaldi: Nasi Gorengnya mantab.. Porsi nya lumayan besar...

Hotel Narita is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

13. Hotel Narita

Jl. Barata Jaya XVII No. 57-59 (Jl. Raya Nginden), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 59 tips and reviews

Wisnu K.Wisnu K: Thick Javanese atmosphere, strategic location, and reasonable rates.......although it could use more rooms. Plan your bookings a long time ahead!

Hotel Satelit is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

14. Hotel Satelit

Jalan Mayor Jenderal Sungkono No. 139, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 14 tips and reviews

Budi T.Budi Tarot: Hotel nya byk banget kayu2 jati yg di jadikan furniture, bgs tp aura nya magic dan dingin....

d'Season Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

15. d'Season Hotel

Jalan Tenggilis Utara No. 14 (Jalan Jemur Sari), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 21 tips and reviews
Prime Royal Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

16. Prime Royal Hotel

Jalan Kranggan 103-105 (Jalan Blauran), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 11 tips and reviews

Nadila F.Nadila Fitria: Hotel baru dgn musik sunda tapi aroma Bali.. Nikmeeehh..

TS Suites is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

17. TS Suites

Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 6 (Near Surabaya Town Square), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 47 tips and reviews

rita d.rita darmawan: bravo TS suites. Excellent service. Keep improving the facilities. New breakfast corner, new gym. And soon, new suites..

favehotel MEX Surabaya is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

18. favehotel MEX Surabaya

Jalan Pregolan 1,3,5, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 79 tips and reviews
Singgasana Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

19. Singgasana Hotel

(Hotel Singgasana)
Jl. Gunungsari, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Gunungsari · 59 tips and reviews

Ryn J.Ryn Junico: Hati2 terhadap pemilihan kamar, tidak seragam fasilitasnya meskipun tipenya sama, misal deluxe room ada yang pakai Shower dan ada yang bathtub dengan luas kamar berbeda... Lebih baik detail konfirm

Elmi Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

20. Elmi Hotel

(Hotel Elmi)
Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 42-44, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 61 tips and reviews

RezakiRezaki: Masakan room service nya... Ngga diragukan lagi markotob binti marsogut. TV channel komplit n' walau bukan lcd atau led... Sound tv merk aka

Hotel Ibis Surabaya Rajawali is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

21. Hotel Ibis Surabaya Rajawali

Jl. Rajawali No. 9-11 (Jembatan Merah), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Krembangan Selatan · 51 tips and reviews

Juandi J.Juandi Ju: Hotel yang bagus kamar nya, pelayananya juga lumayan. So so lah. Well recomended.

Mercure Grand Mirama is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

22. Mercure Grand Mirama

Jl Raya Darmo 68 - 78, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Dr. Sutomo · 93 tips and reviews

Chandra Adi B.Chandra Adi Bhisama: Mercure Surabaya terletak di jalur utama melintas Surabaya, di sebelah konsulat dan kantor-kantor pemerintah dan tempat-tempat wisata seperti monumen Tugu Pahlawan dan kebun binatang. Ideal untuk perj

Verwood Hotel & Serviced Residence is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

23. Verwood Hotel & Serviced Residence

Jalan Raya Kupang Indah, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 33 tips and reviews

Meykel W.Meykel Waworuntu: Nice and cozy hotel. With live band at the cafe.

Santika Hotel Surabaya is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

24. Santika Hotel Surabaya

Jl. Pandegiling No. 45 (Jl. Raya Darmo), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 70 tips and reviews

Rendy R.Rendy R: Spacious rooms, minimalist design and most importantly clean..Bfast have many variety especially for local taste..

Hotel Santika Jemursari is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

25. Hotel Santika Jemursari

Jalan Jemursari No. 258, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 65 tips and reviews

Felix S.Felix San: Perbandingan antara 3 hotel di daerah ini yg paling recommended y hotel Santika :) D'Season & Narita masih kalah.....

Twin Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

26. Twin Hotel

(Hotel Twin)
Jl. Kalisari I No. 1, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 42 tips and reviews

Kenny S.Kenny Setiono: Tempatnya Mantap

Hotel Sahid Surabaya is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

27. Hotel Sahid Surabaya

Jl. Sumatera No. 1-15 (Gubeng), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 64 tips and reviews

Faijah F.Faijah Fai: dapet kamar yg menghadap ke sungai ..keren bisa liat sunset

Everbright Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

28. Everbright Hotel

Jl. Raya Manyar Kertoarjo No. 44, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Manyar Sabrangan · 14 tips and reviews
Oval Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

29. Oval Hotel

(Hotel Oval)
Jalan Diponegoro No. 23, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Darmo · 34 tips and reviews
Hotel Bisanta Bidakara Tunjungan is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

30. Hotel Bisanta Bidakara Tunjungan

Jalan Tegalsari No. 77-85, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Tegalsari · 36 tips and reviews
New Grand Park Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

31. New Grand Park Hotel

Jl. Samudra No. 3-5, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 8 tips and reviews
Hotel Cendana is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

32. Hotel Cendana

Jalan Kombes. Pol. M. Duryat No. 6 (Jalan Basuki Rakhmat), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 19 tips and reviews

adnan n.adnan nanda: Lokasinya cukup strategis. Masih punya wartel! :) View dari lantai 6 lumayan menghibur. Menu sarapannya juga oke. Cuma nama hotelnya aja yg mengingatkan dengan orba. :)

Weta International Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

33. Weta International Hotel

Jalan Genteng Kali No. 3 - 11 (Jl. Genteng Kali 3 No 11), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Genteng · 9 tips and reviews

rinto s.rinto soetjipto: try sop buntut very delicious...... cyynnnnnnn......

Country Heritage Resort Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

34. Country Heritage Resort Hotel

Jl. Nginden Intan Utara 7, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 18 tips and reviews
Pasar Besar Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

35. Pasar Besar Hotel

Jl. Pasar Besar, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Bed and Breakfast · No tips or reviews
Grand Inna Tunjungan is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

36. Grand Inna Tunjungan

Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 1 - 3 (Jl. Simpang Dukuh), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Embong Kaliasin · 25 tips and reviews

Hendra 💕💜 H.Hendra 💕💜 Hadiwijaya 🍭💜👸: Lumayan bagus, strategis..

Quds Royal Hotel Surabaya is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

37. Quds Royal Hotel Surabaya

Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 85 (Kawasan Wisata Religi Ampel), Surabaya, Jawa Barat
Hotel · 6 tips and reviews
Hotel Equator is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

38. Hotel Equator

Jl. Pakis Argosari No. 47 (Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Dukuh Pakis · 16 tips and reviews

Novyta Z.Novyta Z: this hotel looks old and some stuff not to clean but the house keeping good for services when I call them to come for cleaning..

Griyo Avi Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

39. Griyo Avi Hotel

Jalan Raya Bukit Darmo No.6 (Jalan HR. Muhammad), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 4 tips and reviews
Hotel Gubeng is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

40. Hotel Gubeng

Jalan Sumatera No. 18 (Jalan Raya Gubeng), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · No tips or reviews
Hotel Ganefo is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

41. Hotel Ganefo

Jalan Kapasan No. 169-171, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 10 tips and reviews

Herry K.Herry Kules: Murah meriah.. Fasilitas AC,tipi,kamar mandi dalem..cuma jangan lupa bawa handuk ya..soal'a ga disediain.. Breakfast'a roti sama kopi / teh..pilih aja

Family Guest House Surabaya is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

42. Family Guest House Surabaya

Jl. Gubeng Kertajaya 8, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 3 tips and reviews
Pondok Asri Family Guest House is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

43. Pondok Asri Family Guest House

Jl.Kalibokor Selatan 108, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Motel · 4 tips and reviews

Thonny C.Thonny Christiantho: Nice, quiet, and friendly guest house. Has great Wifi speed is the plus. Don't forget to have their East Java style breakfast.

Kassanda Guest House is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

44. Kassanda Guest House

Jl. Dharmahusada No. 122, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hostel · 3 tips and reviews
Sparkling Backpacker Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

45. Sparkling Backpacker Hotel

Jalan Kayon no. 2A-B (Jalan Pemuda), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 5 tips and reviews

Melinda G.Melinda Gunawan: check for roomrates and facilities

Grand CitiHub Hotel @TUNJUNGAN is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

46. Grand CitiHub Hotel @TUNJUNGAN

Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 1J (Tunjungan), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 21 tips and reviews
Hotel Tanjung is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

47. Hotel Tanjung

Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 43-45, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 6 tips and reviews

Sastrawangsa G.Sastrawangsa Gde: harga kamar murah meriah, lokasi di tengah kota, cocok buat backpaker. fasilitas sesuai dengan harga yg ditawarkan. tanpa air panas di kamar, resto dengan menu seadanya tanpa buffet, karyawan tua2.

Midtown Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

48. Midtown Hotel

Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmad No. 76, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 73 tips and reviews
Chocolate Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

49. Chocolate Hotel

Jalan Anggrek, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 1 tip

Melinda G.Melinda Gunawan: hotelnya belum dibangun

Citadines Hotel is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

50. Citadines Hotel

Jalan Ngagel no.123 (Jalan Bung Tomo), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 1 tip

Melinda G.Melinda Gunawan: hotelnya belum dibangun

Hotel Tunjungan Surabaya  Hotel and Convention Center is one of Hotels (Surabaya-East Java).

51. Hotel Tunjungan Surabaya Hotel and Convention Center

Tunjungan City Jl. Tunjungan (Jalan Tanjung Anom), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 1 tip

Melinda G.Melinda Gunawan: hotelnya belum dibangun