Visit the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial and help bring his vision to life: “With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” Read more.
19 Statues: 14 Army, 2 Marines, 1 Navy, 1 Air Force. Each weighs~1,000 lbs. Reflected on the wall it creates the image of a total of 38 statues, symbolic of the 38th Parallel & 38 months of the war. Read more.
Sitting just beneath its sister beer haven ChurchKey, Birch & Barley is the full package: a refined menu plus creative desserts and a beer list that is 555-strong. [Eater 38 Member] Read more.
The Passenger is primarily a trendy watering hole that also happens to have really solid bar food to complement the cocktail stylings of master mixologist Derek Brown. [Eater 38 Member] Read more.