"Bridget is awesome!"
Hair Salon
· Oak Creek, United States
"Fags hang out here!"
· Cudahy, United States
"Dammmnn this place is crowded... Amanda you need a bigger bed"
Home (private)
· South Milwaukee, United States
"Smaller dryers are better then the big ones, thought I'd try something new but that just led to being here 30mins longer...but this place is awesome and super clean, thanks to the attendants on staff"
· Brown Deer, United States
"Maintenance needs to step up there game and fix stuff around here... I feel on this twice now and they still haven't fixed the problem causing it! WTF..."
Apartment or Condo
· Milwaukee, United States
"This place needs more security! Cars broken into and messed with...and the complex doesn't do anything about it, sure you can call and complain but that is just a waste of breath!"
Apartment or Condo
· Milwaukee, United States