Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Go

Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Go

Italian Restaurant and Fast Food Restaurant€€€
Castello, Venezia
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    Go here. Experience the Italian food. It's worth it.
  • Tips
    Allen C.
    "Great fresh pasta and enjoyed it on the nearby bridge."(41 Tips)
    Ramiro R.
    "Dal Moros was by far one of the best spots to eat pasta in Venice!"(9 Tips)
    Mariyah N.
    "Try the MamaRossa and the pesto pasta!"(11 Tips)
    Alp Ö.
    "Delicious and cheap pasta, very friendly and helpful staff."(49 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon611 Tips and reviews
  • pasta
  • lively
  • trendy
  • good for a quick meal
  • healthy food
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  • Maria
    MariaMay 8, 2023
    Not tasty!!!
  • Angelica W.heart icon on user image
    Angelica WJune 18, 2017
    Fast paced and friendly but the food is mediocre. Gnocchi is doughy. There's quite a few made to order pasta takeout in Venice. Try some other ones.
  • Mohammed F.heart icon on user image
    Mohammed FarsiAugust 2, 2017
    The staff were super nice. The concept of the to-go pasta is something we liked. However, when it came to the quality of ingredients and taste, I feel it's below average.
  • Atila Y.heart icon on user image
    Atila YeşildağFebruary 8, 2018
    Its fast, cheap(portions are small) and friendly staff.
  • Barbaros Y.heart icon on user image
    Barbaros YamanNovember 2, 2019
    Qucik meal
  • Josh W.heart icon on user image
    Josh WrightOctober 2, 2018
    Decent pasta, but doesn’t live up the the hype. It’s mainly great because there isn’t another takeaway pasta place like this!
  • Silvios S.
    Silvios SilvestrosFebruary 12, 2019
    For its rate, it was a disappointment!Ate half of it.. The worst carbonara in Venice so far. Over boiled pasta, strange and too much sauce to be honest.. Thus said, very friendly stuff!!
  • Débora M.heart icon on user image
    Débora MacedoMay 26, 2015
    Me and my friend were badly treated, and do NOT order the large coke. We thought the it would be a normal coke, but it was bigger than a pint and costed 10 euro. Not a nice place
  • Evaheart icon on user image
    EvaJuly 14, 2017
    Bolognese wasn't really good. It's not bolognese at all - without taste and mushroms are from can. Nothing green in it - they probably don't know any herbs.
  • H & Nheart icon on user image
    H & NJanuary 17, 2018
    Very delicious pasta
  • Jayne P.
    Jayne PhillipsApril 11, 2017
    This place is plain terrible, don't believe the ratings and don't waste your time in Venice eating here. It's a complete tourist trap, you will not see a single local eating at this joint.
  • Cosan Y.heart icon on user image
    Cosan YegenogluAugust 8, 2014
    It was better last year. They have changed the menu and they are cooking like a factory. Therefore pastas have average taste.
  • Evaheart icon on user image
    EvaJuly 14, 2017
    Good staf, that is all...
  • Tobiáš P.
    Tobiáš PtačníkAugust 2, 2021
  • Lingy M.
    Lingy MaiMay 28, 2017
    Fresh pasta cooked well but ruined by horrible thickened sauce :(
  • Ivana K.
    Ivana KurtovićMay 1, 2018
    Really disappointing! Worst pasta in my life; canned mushrooms, white sauce is really bad with a lot of flour
  • Artem V.
    Artem VovsyaAugust 12, 2017
    Pasta is below average, even considering that it's a takeaway
  • Kate K.
    Kate KatrinaJuly 12, 2017
    Undercooked pasta! Tastes like tinned spaghetti. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else!
  • Bjarke K.heart icon on user image
    Bjarke KJune 16, 2017
    A bit disappointed. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Michael L.
    Michael LeoJuly 11, 2018
    The food is fast and the people nice
  • Mariia P.heart icon on user image
    Mariia PavlovaAugust 11, 2019
    Prices are very good, but pasta is average
  • Nesrin K.
    Nesrin KasımoğluJuly 22, 2017
    The worst stuff ever! Very rude and disrespectful! The place is not nice at all. :/
  • Michael B.
    Michael B.June 16, 2017
    Awful crap food! Don't believe in all the good rating. Don't go here!
  • Aleftina S.
    Aleftina Sh.November 1, 2018
    It was the worst carbonara in Venice so far: overboil pasta, too much pepper, insufficiently sause
  • Ruby B.
    Ruby BecroftJuly 31, 2018
    Pasta was wayyyy over rated!!! Super oily and not as fresh as everyone was saying! Not sure what the hype is about
  • Michael L.
    Michael LeoJuly 11, 2018
    I took the reviews left as an indication of quality but I am now so confused as to how people can possibly claim this is the best pasta in Italy!!
  • Nej K.
    Nej KutcharianJuly 13, 2019
    There are much better “fast foodpasta’s around. However, if you still want to try it, get the carbonara if you want to have a ham and cheese flavored pasta or get the pesto if you like bland pasta.
  • Amin M.
    Amin MoMarch 31, 2019
    Doesn’t taste like Italian pasta. They globalized it and so I didn’t like it.
  • Alan x.heart icon on user image
    Alan x el mundoNovember 25, 2018
    Patata fresca y económica. Está prohibido sentarse en la calle a comer. Te pueden multar hasta con 500 euros
  • Tuğçe B.heart icon on user image
    Tuğçe BozkurtJune 30, 2016
    Kasada "ne vereyim abime" diye karsilandik :) Cok dar bir sokakta bulursaniz cok sanslisiniz:) Gercekten makarnalar cok lezzetli ve inanilmaz doyurucu. Kesinlikle aramaya deger o dar sokaklarda :)
  • Kristina S.heart icon on user image
    Kristina ShutkinaAugust 15, 2015
    Best pasta to go in Venice!🍝So yum and quick service! Очень вкусная и сытная паста в коробочках на вынос! У них нет вывески, так что ищите внимательнее, не пройдите мимо:)
  • Carito M.heart icon on user image
    Excelente pasta!!! Con un precio económico (Venecia es caro), quienes atienden son muy amables, hablan todos los idiomas, y además son muy rápidos. 100% recomendable
  • prstmhlztheart icon on user image
    prstmhlztMay 17, 2016
    Kleiner, enger und witziger geht's kaum. Die Truppe ist top drauf. Und liefert zweifach frische Pasta, die es für kleines Geld (5-7 Euro) gibt, die super satt macht. Top Zwischenstop für Snack + Bier!
    Upvoted Jan 28
  • Bonny P.heart icon on user image
    Bonny ParkerJuly 22, 2016
    Лучшая паста, какую я ела, а еще очень дешево. На 23 евро взяли три пасты и два напитка, обязательно возьмите пасту с песто(её нет в меню)персонал даже по-русски говорит в той или иной степени😉👍
  • Юния М.
    Юния МорганMarch 30, 2019
    Очень приятные ребята, почти с открытыя очереди на улице , посадочных мест у стойки не больше 2х, так что берите на вынос, очень вкусная паста ! А не быстро сваренная как во многих ресторанах Венеции
  • Александр Н.heart icon on user image
    Александр НOctober 18, 2018
    Обязательно к посещению всем сознательным путешественникам! Туристы пусть едят на главных площадях: вкусная и по-настоящему свежая паста. Есть придётся на улице)
  • Marcele F.heart icon on user image
    Marcele FaleiroSeptember 23, 2016
    Massa fresca! Deliciosa! Atendimento nota 1000! Todos são super simpáticos e falam diversos idiomas, inclusive português. Preço justo. E ainda tomei um vinho por 3 euros.
  • Tugkanheart icon on user image
    TugkanApril 10, 2018
    Buradaki yorumlara bakıp gittik, iyiki de gitmişiz. Makarna fiyatları cazip. Su-1€, Küçük şişe şarap 4€. Türk olmayan çalışanlardan Türkçe sözler duymak müthiş.
  • Marcel P.heart icon on user image
    Marcel P.June 1, 2015
    Mit die besten Pasta mit Pesto, die ich je gegessen habe. Keine Touristenfalle, sondern wirklich top! Ohne GPS kaum zu finden. Wenn einem die Leute mit den Pappkartons entgegen kommen ist man richtig.
  • Ilya I.
    Ilya IlyaAugust 28, 2016
    Очень вкусная паста!!! Не перепутайте с другими похожими рядом. Закажите Boscaiola (Olio Extravergine, Aglio, Funghi Misti, Parmigiano), ее уже нет в меню но могут сделать!
  • kenyaadtr .heart icon on user image
    kenyaadtr 🐨May 9, 2016
    Брали болоньезе и альфредо+сосиски. Первой наедаешься, а вот вторую аж на два раза поесть)) Как много пармезана и сосисок, обалдеть! Очень вкусно и дешево! Будем заглядывать сюда!
  • Sara B.
    Sara B.December 11, 2018
    The yummiest and best pasta We’ve ever had😭 highly recommended, go for Pesto and Boscaiola they’re to die for مكرونتهم لذيذة جدا بس ناقصهم جلسات الاكل وانت واقف
  • Denise A.heart icon on user image
    Denise AndradeMarch 7, 2016
    Massa fresca de excelente qualidade com preço melhor ainda! O pessoal é super simpático e ainda falam um pouco de português!
  • Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Goheart icon on user image
    Buongiorno cari amici!!! 👋 Oggi e una bellissima giornata ☀️ per mangiare una pasta fresca. 🍝 Siamo aperti dalle 12:00 fino a 20:30🕰 Vi aspettiamo!!!
  • Almira K.heart icon on user image
    Almira KrasavtsevaApril 7, 2017
    Паста take&go. Домашняя, готовят при тебе. Различные начинки, большущие порции. Лучше приходить чуть пораньше до обеда, пока нет большой очереди.
  • Seda Y.heart icon on user image
    Seda Yurdakul İmreJune 19, 2015
    Pestolu makarna 7€ diğerleri 5€ kadar.Pestolu makarna müthişti.Sahibi samimi ve ilgiliydi.Bir italyandan "ne veriyim abime" sözünü duymak gerçekten eğlenceliydi.Kesinlikle paranın hakkını veriyorlar.
  • Diego L.heart icon on user image
    Diego LatorreMay 18, 2019
    Atención aceptable, buena comida y rica. Se compra y se lleva, no es para sentarse. Muy recomendable! Puntaje 9/10 👌🥡🥤
  • Sahara S.heart icon on user image
    Sahara SarıgülAugust 1, 2019
    Aldığımız makarnanın pişme derecesinden, tazeliğinden ve malzeme bolluğundan çok memnun kaldık. Ayrıca çalışanlar da çok samimiydi
  • Antonella D.heart icon on user image
    La pasta è DELIZIOSA!! I ragazzi che sono lì sono SIMPATICISSIMI! Definitely un must! ❤❤
  • Emiliano R.heart icon on user image
    Emiliano RialtoJuly 26, 2018
    Deliciosa la pasta Fruti del Mare y la de Alfredo Chicken!! Gran servicio, muy amables, rapidisimo, gran sabor y puedes comer mientras recorres las calles de Venecia o haces alguna fila!!!
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