Newport Gardens
Green Animals Topiary Garden is one of Newport Gardens.

1. Green Animals Topiary Garden

380 Corys Ln, Portsmouth, RI
Garden · 6 tips and reviews

Cultural StudiosCultural Studios: This home features lots of hedges shaped like animals. It is a large property, so leave plenty of time to wander around and take photographs. Read more.

Prescott Farm is one of Newport Gardens.

2. Prescott Farm

2009 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI
Other Great Outdoors · 5 tips and reviews

Cultural StudiosCultural Studios: Master gardeners from the University of Rhode Island tend the kitchen and herb gardens on this farm. There are several buildings here, and a working windmill, all from the Revolutionary War period. Read more.

3. Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge

769 Sachuest Point Road (Sachuest Point Road), Middletown, RI
Nature Preserve · 10 tips and reviews

Cultural StudiosCultural Studios: There are a lot of places along the beach trail to pause and view Sakonnet Point. Spring is a good time of year to visit this site. Look for goldenrods, sandpipers, and piping plovers. Read more.