Here we have the opportunity to visit each of Hungary's fruitful agricultural areas. Welcoming atmosphere with walls lined by bottles of premier Magyar-made wines available for sale. Read more
by far the best natural wine shop in Budapest where you can try dozens of organic wines from all over Hungary. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and the prices won't kill your budget either.
Very interesting and good place for wine lovers but not very easy to grip if ones Knowledge of wine limits to "some wines are good, some are bad. I want to learn more"
Очень интересный опыт дегустации вин. Вместо надоедливых сомелье дают планшет с необходимой информацией и карту дегусттора, с которой можно пробовать любые сорта вина.
Create your own custom wine tasting experience. Buy the Hungarian wine that you like. / Kóstoljon szabadon és vásároljon Magyarország prémium borszelekciójából.