Order the caramel machiotto, it is delicious, also the Danish is out of this world! Then kick back and listen to some cool Christian rock 'n roll, yo!!
Oct 6, 2007, followed two of 3 brain surgeries... Chose that date -was the date in 2002 my ex husband beat me-we made it a blessed day thru Christ-not to mourn-to celebrate! Love you Christian Siebens
1st time I entered was Feb 9th 2003 the first 6pm service. Beginning of me finding Christ while fighting suicidal thoughts from several traumas in my life. My hubby and I got thru it and married there
Our hope is that you would find Cornerstone to be a place where you can explore the claims of Jesus Christ and grow vibrantly in your faith. We believe church is more than a Sunday worship experience.