been there, done that
Lucky Strike Casino is one of been there, done that.

1. Lucky Strike Casino

1515 Dearborn Ave (At Washburn St.), Missoula, MT
Karaoke Bar · Southgate Triangle · 4 tips and reviews
Paul's Pancake Parlor is one of been there, done that.

2. Paul's Pancake Parlor

2305 Brooks, Missoula, MT
Diner · 25 tips and reviews
Brooklyn Bridge is one of been there, done that.

3. Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge, New York, NY
Bridge · 1012 tips and reviews
Staggering Ox is one of been there, done that.

4. Staggering Ox

1220 SW Higgins Ave #4, Missoula, MT
Sandwich Spot · 8 tips and reviews