Created by Cooper Smith Updated On: January 10, 2014
I'm on a quest to visit every major league baseball stadium in the country. Here's my tips if you're on a similar journey.
RIP Old Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium, Busch FIeld I, Mile High Stadium
Baseball Stadium · Flushing · 659 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Don't waste 2 innings in line at Shake Shack. Grab Blue Smoke BBQ right next door and head down the stairs to get an intimate view of the bullpens
Baseball Stadium · Concourse Village · 1142 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Skip the high priced seats on the first level, and sit with the true fans on the top level. Scalpers are usually unloading these tickets for cheap right before the first pitch
Baseball Stadium · Downtown Cleveland · 240 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Check out the Indians museum in Center Field....if you're like me, you'll be amazed at how many players have been on the Tribe throughout the years
1060 W Addison St (btwn Sheffield Ave & Clark St), Chicago, IL
Baseball Stadium · Wrigleyville · 573 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Every first time Wrigley visitor should have to sit out in the bleachers...its unlike any experience in baseball. If sold out, try for the 1stbase line where the seats start to curve into the outfield
Baseball Stadium · Armour Square · 300 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: A surprisingly enjoyable baseball experience. Walk the 360 degrees around the inside of the stadium and enjoy the view from multiple angles!
Cooper Smith: A small, intimate stadium makes you feel like you're at a minor league baseball game, but in a really good way. We sat first level behind home plate for incredibly cheap, but before the remodel
24 Willie Mays Plz (at King & 3rd St), San Francisco, CA
Baseball Stadium · South Beach · 480 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Opt for the standing room only tickets in the OF (there's still bleachers for you to sit down in) and alternate between watching great baseball and looking behind you at the awesome views of the Bay
Baseball Stadium · The Stadiums · 443 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: If you're rolling solo, try to get a ticket with row AAA. I managed to snag one day of and didn't realize until I got to my seat that it was the very first row, on the field.
Cooper Smith: Baseball was not meant to be played indoors, and this stadium is the epitome of that sentiment. Try to use your indoor voice, most people at the game are trying to sleep.
4 Jersey St (btwn Lansdowne St & Van Ness St), Boston, MA
Baseball Stadium · Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood · 740 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: As much as I want to hate this place, I can't. Its too perfect. Get there early and walk down the left field line and stand under the Green Monster, one of the most famous landmarks in sports
Baseball Stadium · Story Hill · 395 tips and reviews
Cooper Smith: Arrive early for batting practice and snag a spot at the front of the tarp, it serves as a barricade to balls escaping further down the line. There might even be a ball wedged in there when you arrive
Cooper Smith: You're so close the Marlins moving to their new stadium. Wait it out and skip over this stadium. If its already too late, grab a secluded seat down the first base line and snag a foul ball or 10