Ahmad Kamal Effendy

Ahmad Kamal Effendy


Hi! I'm a 4sq/Swarm SU7 based in Kuching, Malaysia. I help maintain 4sq venues in Malaysia and edit the OSM maps that appear when you view venue details.

Kuching, Malaysia · Superuser icon?Placemaker Level 7
  • 78 Tips
  • 1,884 Following
  • 79 Lists

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Ahmad Kamal's Top Cities
68 Lists Created · 63 Tips
14 Lists Created
12 Lists Created
Johor Bahru
4 Lists Created · 4 Tips
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Kuala Lumpur
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3 Lists Created
Kota Kinabalu
3 Lists Created
Petaling Jaya
3 Lists Created
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
33 places updated April 23, 2018
All subvenues (except #1) should not have "AEON Mall Kuching Central" in the Name field. 4sq SU: Address field: AEON Mall Kuching Central. Cross street: Unit No. & Level only.
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
12 places updated July 11, 2016
12 places including Stadium Tertutup Kota Samarahan, Indoor Stadium Miri, Stadium Hoki Petra Jaya, Kelab Golf Sarawak (Sarawak Golf Club)
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
62 places updated August 18, 2016
All subvenues (except #1) should not have "Vivacity Megamall" in the Name field. 4sq SU: Address field: Vivacity Megamall. Cross street: Unit No. & Level only.
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
26 places updated April 23, 2016
26 places including Pezzo, Pezzo, Pezzo, Pezzo
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
8 places updated March 21, 2015
8 places including Imperial Hotel Business Centre, Boulevard Grand Ballroom, Garden Terrace (Smoking Area), Imperial Garden Restaurant
Ahmad Kamal Effendy
1 places updated November 10, 2021
1 place including 7-Eleven
Ahmad Kamal's ListsLists Ahmad Kamal CreatedLists Ahmad Kamal Followed
"Why buy your favorite bread & bun at KK Store at the Public Area, then hassle thru AVSEC screening? You can buy those later inside the Passenger Area at myNEWS.com just next to Gate J4!"
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · November 30, 2019
"This 'small' mall is also accessible on foot by a dedicated pathway from Block H, SGH."
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · June 17, 2019
· Kuching, Malaysia
"The dropoff / pickup point is next to MS. READ, which is OPPOSITE the Main Entrance. If you are heading from the city centre, the entrance is just straight after the new traffic light junction."
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · April 23, 2018
· Kuching, Malaysia
"Try their signature dish 'Roti Jantan'; actually just Roti Biasa Banjir + 2 half-boiled eggs. RM3"
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · January 17, 2016
· Kuching, Malaysia
"This is the outlet relocated from Lee Ling Commercial Centre / Emart Matang."
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · October 18, 2015
· Kuching, Malaysia
"The 'Ice Kantong' is an old-school dessert which consists of compressed ice shavings and multi-flavoured syrup. Costs RM2.20 a piece, and a priceless throwback down memory lane!"
Ahmad Kamal EffendyAhmad Kamal Effendy · August 3, 2015
· Kuching, Malaysia