"Morning schedule were fine (15 minitues gap), but starting 9AM, it gets inaccurate. So if you're here by 9AM, expect 30 minutes gap instead of 15 minutes. Should be fine after 12PM."
Alif ·
March 12, 2015Rail Station
· Sungai Buloh, Malaysia
5.5"If you guys love mushroom soup, it is a must everytime you come by~ Plus, it's nice to eat during night pr rainy day~ :3"
Alif ·
February 16, 2013Fast Food
· Alor Star, Malaysia
5.2"If you're gonna take U82 or whatever RapidKL bus, it won't be wise to take it during night; I have to wait for an hour from 9AM~! And it's the only bus to One Utama~ RapidKL, please add a new bus~ -.-"
Alif ·
August 24, 2012Bus Station
· Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"Toilet...as usual,your typical 20 sen toilet~ Overall, I didn't recommend you guys to get out from the bus; unless of you're desperate~ This tip is useful for fist timer, coz I'm a first time myself~"
Alif ·
August 15, 2012"If you're from Perlis,the food here is kinda expensive~ Add RM1, you'll get what you want~ I wonder why taking a break in here~? I had no idea,first time here~ -.-""
Alif ·
August 15, 2012"Klau korang nk tanya something,korang kena panggil diorang~ Sometimes xder org lngsung kat depan~ Basically; service diorg sngt xfriendly~ So pandai2 lah korang nak deal ngan HEA~ -.-"
Academic Building
· Malaysia