There are quite a number of choices of Homebrewed Beer here I like: IPA/ Indian Pure Ale, the Russian Stout, the Wheat. Porter, Duvvel, Cider and the Jakarta Pride. Each has its own characteristics! Read more
[Review: THE BEAT MAGAZINE - Oct] Coffee AND beer, together? This quirky combination might just be a winner! Some people like coffee, some like beer, and there are plenty who like both. read more ... Read more
Halloween Party - Saturday, October 27 at 7pm till midnight. Free flow 'Black & Tan' beer all night long, only at Rp.195.000/person. The most freaky costume will get 50% off!
Jangan pesen espresso doppio, bukannya cuma tambah 3-5rb, tp di itung 2 cup. Blend kopinya asam, bahkan ala vietnam drip aja masih asem, bagi pecinta kopi pahit jangan kesini dah