By far the best place to Salsa in San Juan. Not so crowded that you can't dance, but crowded enough that you're never in need of a dance partner. My new fave salsa spot on the island for sure.
The bar's location is a bit awkward. When the place is crowded is not comfortable at all. The bathroom needs work. Parking is little and drinks were so-so.Liked that different type of music was played
este Jueves 26... JUEVES de SALSA pa'l BAILADOR en CODE > 7:30-8:30 Clases Gratis con Ariel Mambo Dance Studio > 9:00-11:00 Salsa Anfitriones para Bailar > 9:00 a 3:00 Salsa Gorda con DJ Tito MassasRead more
esta Noche en "CODE FRIDAYS" los Exclusive CODE DRINKS ! el "Frozen Panzon" 48oz (Smirnoff Chorriando) // el PinkOrgsm (Unico Orgasmo con TequilaRose) // el Gian Margarita 48oz Atrevete a Probarlos
hoy Jueves 26... JUEVES de SALSA pa'l BAILADOR en CODE los "CODE SALSA ANFITRIONES" estarán de 9pm a 11pm para que Siempre Tengas con Quien Bailar ! Musica por de DJ Tito Massas
esta Noche en "CODE FRIDAYS" en CODE Bar & Lounge !! 7-11pm Karaokee con La Miri / 10-4am Clubbing DJ Scarface \\// Frozen Panzon 48oz (Smirnoff Chorriando) // PinkOrgsm // Gian Margarita 48oz //