Sukhumvit's most iconic INDIAN dinnerbuffet now also features a live tandoorikebab station, Tepanyaki & modern sushi bar & dim sum. Every Friday / Sat / Sun night with live music from our band.
Buffet your way with our Weekend International Buffet Available at Coco’sCafé for dinner, this delicious feast starts at THB 890 per person and get special 25% discount on both of the buffet prices!
Join us this weekend for our customary buffet offers:-Int'L Buffet on Fri & Sat night at THB 890, Int'L Vegetarian Buffet on Sunday night at THB 790 net.Special 25% disc.on both of the buffet prices!
The International Buffetdinner features a live tandoorikebab station, Tepanyaki, Modern sushi bar and dim sum, every Friday / Saturday / Sunday with LIVE MUSIC from the Spice Bandits!.
Like the photo if you wish to dining here! Breakfast 05:30-10:30, All day dining 11.00 a.m. – 10.30 p.m. Dinner 6.30 p.m. - 10.30 p.m – International BuffetVegetarian and International Buffet
Enjoy delicious homemade pizzas from our new ‘Coco’s pizza kitchen’. We are introducing fusion pizzas throughout the hotel which have an Indian & Thai twist to its toppings.
Only the pure in heart can make a good soup" -Beethoven Our soup for the 'Celebrate Thainess' set menu, Tom Kha Kai (Spicy Chicken soup flavored with Herbs in Coconut Milk)
Succulent chunks of chicken wrapped in creamy textures of cheese, cream cheese and sour cream along with spices and a generous squeeze of lime. Only at The Coco’sCafé!
Looking for someone to have lunch or dinner together!! Don't miss " The Chinese Invasion of Coco's Café" and enjoy 25 % off the Dim SumBuffet or our Indian-Chinese Menu for Lunch & Dinner...
Our "Chowk De Choley Te Bhaturey" is one dish you must definitely try when you come to Coco’sCafé. If you have tried it already, comment below and tell us what you feel.
Live life with a little spice! Our Spaghetti with Spicy Mixed Seafood is one dish that will set your taste buds on fire. Available only at the Coco’sCafé.
Coco's Café is proud to introduce our spectacular " International BuffetVegetarian Thursday Nights". Available every Thursday and enjoy 20% off with Music By the All New Spice Bandits.
Did you get some at the Coco’sCafé? Our Dim Sumbuffet is one for the food lovers! Join us this Chinese New Year with our exclusive Dim Sumbuffet offer.
Varieties of Japanese food are waiting for your lunch and dinner! Try our "Japanese food" at Coco's Cafe For more information and reservation, please call 02-6100111 ext. 4900
Enjoy early breakfast at 5:30 a.m. Choose from local Thai delights and International selection, live egg, an extensive salad bar, fresh fruit, yogurts, cereals and our bakeries.
"Any plans for dinner?" Coco's Cafe open tonight and tomorrow from 6.30 pm for sukhumvits most iconic international buffet, with live music from the spice bandits.
You having plan for party? Whether it be a big or little event, we can support you. Coco's Outside Catering team pleased to help! For more information Please call 02-6100111 ext.4637,4119
Care for a place to drink this weekend? Our Singha Dhaba provides the perfect hangout for your weekend escape with friends. Starting from only THB 99 NET.
We would like to recommend Chef Takama who has over 15 years of experience producing American Sushi in New York. And Japanese food. Look forward to make Sushi for you...
Food taste better when you eat it with your family! Join us this weekend with your loved ones for our international food buffet only at the Coco's Cafe.
Our ongoing week-end promotion Come 6 get FREE Xing Fu Peking Duck is the ideal occasion to celebrate good time with family or friend! For more details, please see link:
Hungry?... Join us at #Coco’sCafe tonight and enjoy our "International Buffet with Live Band"! For more information or reservation, please call 02-610 0111 Ext. 4900
The most infamous buffet in town now also features a live tandoori kebab station, Tepanyaki & modern sushi bar and dim sum. Buffet is Every Friday / Saturday / Sunday night with all new live music from our band – The Spice Bandits!