18+!!! Stylish parties with good dress code! Activities available all the day, vide range of fresh food in different restorants. Rooms are for 3stars, but who cares when u spend there 3hours per day:)
They hate english. I dont know why. Someone should send Julien to an English language school at least he could learn how to say "hello" to his guests...Thanks to bar and sports team! Mumy is the best!
This is a too funny and child-free holiday village at the heart of true nature. Windsurfing, water ski, boat trips are free. At nights, you dont feel like going to Aura Everyone will enjoy smthg.
lt's a a great resort but the G.Os need to improve their English and be careful with customer relations. The food is great and watersports facilities rock!
White nightsbright nights...do not leave until 2:30 am amd watch the best show girls in town...even the Aura is not as bright as CM Kemer on white nights
Quality is really fine... You can find better than you expect...:)...it is better if you know french...english mostly doesnt work...:(...but "i like it....!!!!":))
Eglencenin ve sporun hic bitmedigi bu muhtesem tatil koyunde bazi sikintilar var. animasyon dahil hersey fransizca en azindan arada biraz ingilizce kullanmalilar. Yemekler vasat ickiler gercekten kotu
Servisler ve tesis mukemmel..isletme ve calisanlar on numara..Fakat fransizlar yokmu!!!Cok suratsizlar..:( ve tesisin %90i fransiz...ing bilmiyorlar bilselerde cogu konusmuyor...:(
Fransız tatil köyünde sürekli fransızca konuşulması ne kadar da ilginç değil mi? Konum 10 numara, çalışanlar çok tatlı. Yemekler mükemmel, kuruvasan özleyenler buraya :)