You can't beat the price for having access to all this equipment. If you need a personal trainer ask for Skip. He will go out of his way to make sure you meet your personal goals.
It was too hot in there today. No air movement. I hope they can turn down air and/or pull some big fans in next week. Other than that, I love this location!Jen is a flipping amazing Zumbainstructor!
Open 24 hours a day...I felt like working out at ten the other night and low and behold they were open! trainers are always willing to help. Awesome service!
The hours suck. I was told when I signed up in July 2010 that it would be a 24 hour facility by October 2010. This place gets busy and it gets very hard to get on equipment. Find a different one
don't join club fitness. Super crappy facilities, ever crappier customer service after you join. They kept charging me for months after I quit. Melissa at corporate was TERRIBLE