Little Iowa by the Sea. Hometown pride. Small, even provincial at times, but also a Mecca for the “weirdos” of the world... artists, writers, musicians, LGBTQ, movers and shakers. #LBCLove
The best housing value in Southern California. Make sure to check out Bluff Park, the Arts District, Belmont Shore, Retro Row (Broadway Street) and the Toyota Grand Prix.
Love my city!Don't tell anybody about our secret world. Let them keep thinking of snoop dogg's galore, excellent eateries, museums, beautiful communities, great public transportation
Lovely Sea Sidebeach of Long Brach, there is a parking and it’s crowded on weekend, the beach opened after the Corona Virus, the beach is not that clean but its normal after long time closed
This part of the area is sort of dumpy and seedy.:-[:-( but not all of long beach is like that but in some of the areas have koool shops here...B-):-)but it can be a.long bitch shit happens:-[:-/:-\:-