Malang Spots
Malang Plaza is one of Malang Spots.

1. Malang Plaza

Jalan K.H. Agus Salim No. 28, Malang, Jawa Timur
Shopping Mall · 47 tips and reviews
Abdulrachman Saleh Airport (MLG) is one of Malang Spots.

2. Abdulrachman Saleh Airport (MLG)

(Bandar Udara Abdulrachman Saleh)
Jalan Komodor Udara Abdulrachman Saleh (Tumpang), Malang, Jawa Timur
Airport · Pakisjajar · 285 tips and reviews
I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) is one of Malang Spots.

3. I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS)

(Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai)
Jalan Airport Ngurah Rai, Tuban, Bali
Airport · Kuta · 2775 tips and reviews
Plaza Araya is one of Malang Spots.

4. Plaza Araya

Jl. Blimbing Indah Megah No. 2 (Jl. Panji Suroso), Malang, Jawa Timur
Shopping Mall · 37 tips and reviews
Sambal Bawang Mbok Djayus is one of Malang Spots.

5. Sambal Bawang Mbok Djayus

Jl. Candi Sewu Ruko No. 6 (Jl. Terusan Borobudur), Malang, Jawa Timur
Javanese Restaurant · 41 tips and reviews
EXCELSO is one of Malang Spots.


Plaza Araya Lt.1 # 1.12 A - 1.12 C1 (Jalan Blimbing Indah Megah No.2), Malang, Jawa Timur
Coffee Shop · 19 tips and reviews
Vosco Coffee is one of Malang Spots.

7. Vosco Coffee

Jl. Borobudur No. 27A, Malang, Jawa Timur
Café · 42 tips and reviews
Araya Golf Course is one of Malang Spots.

8. Araya Golf Course

Araya Golf & Family Club (Jl. Lawang Sewu Golf No. 2-18), Malang, Jawa Timur
Golf Course · 5 tips and reviews
Dunkin' is one of Malang Spots.

9. Dunkin'

Plaza Araya, Lt. 1 (Jl. Blimbing Indah Megah No. 2), Malang, Jawa Timur
Donut Shop · 8 tips and reviews
Araya Golf & Family Club is one of Malang Spots.

10. Araya Golf & Family Club

Jl. Lawang Sewu Golf No. 2-18 (Kota Araya), Malang, Jawa Timur
Sports Club · 12 tips and reviews
Kebun Teh Wonosari is one of Malang Spots.

11. Kebun Teh Wonosari

Desa Wonosari (Lawang), Malang, Jawa Timur
Farm · 31 tips and reviews

cesha a.cesha ananda: Nice for take a rest...

Taman Indie is one of Malang Spots.

12. Taman Indie

Araya Golf & Family Club (Jl. Lawang Sewu Golf No. 2-18), Malang, Jawa Timur
Indonesian Restaurant · 111 tips and reviews
Alun-Alun Kota Malang is one of Malang Spots.

13. Alun-Alun Kota Malang

Jalan Merdeka Barat (Jalan Merdeka Utara), Malang, Jawa Timur
Plaza · Kidul Dalem · 218 tips and reviews
Stadion Kanjuruhan is one of Malang Spots.

14. Stadion Kanjuruhan

Jl. Trunojoyo (Kepanjen), Malang, Jawa Timur
Soccer Stadium · 132 tips and reviews
Matos 21 is one of Malang Spots.

15. Matos 21

Malang Town Square (Jl. Veteran No. 2), Malang, Jawa Timur
Movie Theater · 144 tips and reviews
Jalan Ijen is one of Malang Spots.

16. Jalan Ijen

Jalan Ijen, Malang, Jawa Timur
Road · 51 tips and reviews
Malang Tempo Doeloe (MTD) is one of Malang Spots.

17. Malang Tempo Doeloe (MTD)

Jl. Ijen, Malang, Jawa Timur
Street Fair · 41 tips and reviews
Toko Oen is one of Malang Spots.

18. Toko Oen

Jl. Jenderal Basuki Rachmad No. 5, Malang, Jawa Timur
Ice Cream Parlor · 241 tips and reviews
Stasiun Malang is one of Malang Spots.

19. Stasiun Malang

Jalan Trunojoyo No. 10 (Tugu Malang), Malang, Jawa Timur
Rail Station · 189 tips and reviews
Malang Town Square (MATOS) is one of Malang Spots.

20. Malang Town Square (MATOS)

Jl. Veteran No. 2, Malang, Jawa Timur
Shopping Mall · Penanggungan · 633 tips and reviews
Ria Djenaka is one of Malang Spots.

21. Ria Djenaka

Jl. Bandung No. 5C, Malang, Jawa Timur
Coffee Shop · 277 tips and reviews
Terminal Arjosari is one of Malang Spots.

22. Terminal Arjosari

Jalan Raden Intan No. 1, Malang, Jawa Timur
Bus Station · 150 tips and reviews
Mal Olympic Garden (MOG) is one of Malang Spots.

23. Mal Olympic Garden (MOG)

Jl. Kawi No. 24, Malang, Jawa Timur
Shopping Mall · Kauman · 460 tips and reviews
Sempu Island is one of Malang Spots.

24. Sempu Island

Ds. Tambakrejo, Malang, Jawa Timur
Island · 42 tips and reviews
Savana Hotel & Convention is one of Malang Spots.

25. Savana Hotel & Convention

Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No. 30-34, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 50 tips and reviews
Solaris Hotel is one of Malang Spots.

26. Solaris Hotel

Jl. Raya Karanglo No. 69 (Singosari), Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 23 tips and reviews
Hotel Pajajaran is one of Malang Spots.

27. Hotel Pajajaran

Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No. 178, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 18 tips and reviews
Araya Swimming Pool is one of Malang Spots.

28. Araya Swimming Pool

Araya Golf & Family Club (Jl. Lawang Sewu Golf No. 2-18), Malang, Jawa Timur
Swimming Pool · 25 tips and reviews
autoJoss car wash is one of Malang Spots.

29. autoJoss car wash

Jl. Panji Suroso No. 5 (depan Plaza Araya), Malang, Jawa Timur
Car Wash and Detail · 23 tips and reviews
Pondok Beras 99 is one of Malang Spots.

30. Pondok Beras 99

Jl. Bengawan Solo, Malang, Jawa Timur
Mosque · 1 tip
Stadion Gajayana is one of Malang Spots.

31. Stadion Gajayana

Jalan Semeru, Malang, Jawa Timur
Soccer Stadium · 36 tips and reviews

Setianto B.Setianto Basuki: Kandangnya Persema yg dulu kandang Singa, love this city very much, sasaji Aremania Bandung

Taman Krida Budaya is one of Malang Spots.

32. Taman Krida Budaya

Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Malang, Jawa Timur
Event Space · 42 tips and reviews
Lapangan Rampal is one of Malang Spots.

33. Lapangan Rampal

Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Malang, Jawa Timur
Field · 95 tips and reviews

dodhie p.dodhie prabowo: olahraga, nongkrong, maen rollerblade... banyak yg bisa dilakukan disini :D khusus minggu pagi :P

Alun-Alun Kota Malang is one of Malang Spots.

34. Alun-Alun Kota Malang

Jalan Merdeka Barat (Jalan Merdeka Utara), Malang, Jawa Timur
Plaza · Kidul Dalem · 218 tips and reviews

Yuanita S.Yuanita Safitri: Like this place..

Balai Kota Malang is one of Malang Spots.

35. Balai Kota Malang

Jl. Tugu No. 1 (Bundaran Tugu), Malang, Jawa Timur
City Hall · 57 tips and reviews

Agung B.Agung Buana: Try a view bird from the balcony

Pasar Besar Kota Malang is one of Malang Spots.

36. Pasar Besar Kota Malang

Jalan Pasar Besar, Malang, Jawa Timur
Market · 75 tips and reviews
Pantai Balekambang is one of Malang Spots.

37. Pantai Balekambang

Desa Srigonco (Bantur), Malang, Jawa Timur
Beach · 30 tips and reviews

Mohammad A.Mohammad Arief: sebaiknya pergi ksini saat surut bisa sampai k tengah tanpa takut ombak. biasa surut tanggal 16an..

Museum Brawijaya is one of Malang Spots.

38. Museum Brawijaya

Jl. Ijen No. 25A, Malang, Jawa Timur
History Museum · 30 tips and reviews
Universitas Brawijaya is one of Malang Spots.

39. Universitas Brawijaya

Jalan Veteran (Jalan Mayjend. M.T. Haryono), Malang, Jawa Timur
University · 277 tips and reviews
Stasiun Malang is one of Malang Spots.

40. Stasiun Malang

Jalan Trunojoyo No. 10 (Tugu Malang), Malang, Jawa Timur
Rail Station · 189 tips and reviews

︻╦╦╧─︻╦╦╧─: Kelebihan Station Kereta Di Kota ini tuh kalo pagi and malam banyak makanan murah di sekitar nya.. Kalo subuh ada bencong tapi sekarang udah di bersihin..

Hotel Tugu Malang is one of Malang Spots.

41. Hotel Tugu Malang

Jalan Tugu No. 3, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Kauman · 47 tips and reviews

Zebia L.Zebia Luv Tj: Unique place

Hotel Santika Premiere Malang is one of Malang Spots.

42. Hotel Santika Premiere Malang

Jalan Letnan Jenderal Sutoyo No. 79, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 98 tips and reviews

alexander d.alexander dharmawan: kulala bar is the romantic bar in malang city.... you can make a private or romantic dinner in this place, so don't miss it guys, i'll be there for serving your wonderfull dinner

The Graha Cakra Hotel is one of Malang Spots.

43. The Graha Cakra Hotel

Jl. Cerme No. 16, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 20 tips and reviews

Nadine M.Nadine Mazbar: Loving the morning breakfast, historic essence is there, calm and mind refreshing !

The Grand Palace Hotel is one of Malang Spots.

44. The Grand Palace Hotel

Jl. Ade Irma Suryani No. 23, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · Kasin · 22 tips and reviews

andreas i.andreas infianto: Nice place to relax

Regent's Park Hotel is one of Malang Spots.

45. Regent's Park Hotel

Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 12-16, Malang, Jawa Timur
Hotel · 26 tips and reviews

Putri E.Putri Endud: Nice food, syg di each room nya gada wifi.