"These guys have been taking care of me and my cars for all the years I've been in Burbank. Can't beet the quality and knowledge these people offer. Thanks."
Auto Repair
· Burbank, United States
"5 hour layover and these benches were the BEST sleep I had all week."
· Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
"Regional flights mean long walks to the short gates. And I hope you're not a smoker. This gate is as far away from TSA as you can get."
· Denver, United States
"I got a tip for you: Drive. Drive fast. It's HOT up in this bitch, yo."
Power Plant
· White Water, United States
"Lotsa water. Lotsa sand. Lotsa homeless. This is where all the LA homeless were pushed to during the 1984 Olympics. They haven't been asked to leave and that's fine with them."
Other Outdoors
· Santa Monica, United States
8.5"Stacked. Sugars. Nuff said."
Coffee Shop
· Burbank, United States