Free, quick, and fun tour. Lots of samples. Cool chocolate products, including pisco. They also have cooking classes, a cafe, and cleanbathrooms. Entrance from main road has no sign so easy to miss.
The cold chocolate drink is tasty and its nice to have a wander around the museum before indulging in something chocolaty on the balcony overlooking the plaza regocigos.
More a shop than a museum, has some curious data about chocolate and it's consumption, origins and preparation. You can also make workshops to learn to make chocolate from beans. Nice views !
View from the balcony! The "casona" called "Casa del Abuelo" (grandfather's house) probably dates back to the early 1700s. I'm on a quest to find out... may have to go to the library to get the info.
Super-fun and informative of you take a workshop. The workshops are 2 hours long and take you through the chocolate-making process for S 70. Look for people handing out flyers outside for 5% off
Te dan el tour completo por la tienda te invitan el té de cacao que es delicioso. Y puedes probar los licores y los dulces para elegir cual comprar. Su restaurante sirve postres que valen la pena.
Além do museu, os chocolates da ChocoMuseo são fantásticos, com muitas opções e algumas muito exóticas e com ingredientes locais, como Sal de Marras e Folhas de Coca
Cioè: vale la pena anche solo per il tè di cacao che poi comprerete sicuramente. Ve lo offrono gratis all'ingresso. Noi abbiamo mangiato l'afajore de chocolate, é molto farinoso ma assaggiatelo!
Mto interessante! O chá nao vai açúcar, mas é bem gostosinho. O brownie é enorme. Mas o chocolate quente nao e cremoso. Lembra o de Ilheus/Bahia/Brasil.