Fav Place

1. Starbucks

Jalan Tomang Raya No. 25 (Grogol Petamburan), Jakarta, Jakarta
Coffee Shop · Grogol Petamburan · 55 tips and reviews

Denmase K.Denmase Kristiyanto: Dr kantor tgl ngesoot kebawah:D

EDU Hostel Jogja is one of Fav Place.

2. EDU Hostel Jogja

Jl. Let. Jen. Suprapto No. 17, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Hostel · 32 tips and reviews

Denny P.Denny Prasetyo: This hostel very recommended especially for backpacker. The room price arount IDR 70000 - 100.000 for one night, yes this very cheap and they has a lot good facilities(wifi high speed, TV,rooftop,etc)

Coffee Cabin is one of Fav Place.

3. Coffee Cabin

Jalan Gunawarman No. 21, Jakarta, Jakarta
Café · Kebayoran Baru · 16 tips and reviews