They serve very tasty waffles (gauffre de Liège) and you have the opportunity to add lots of tasty ingredients. They also serve coffee and mon alcoholic beverages. The staff can be a bit mean.
The dark chocolate is better than the milk chocolate, because it has a more defined chocolate flavor. They make the waffle for you fresh to order. Credit card and cash both accepted.
The strawberry and dark chocolateBelgian waffle did not disappoint one bit! Note that it is VERY messy and there is no seating there, you just order at the counter.
Delicious! We tried waffles in several places, but at the last our day in Brugge returned here. Реально вкусные! Можно наесться, вафли делали при нас. 22.12.2017
Buranın en meşhur wafflecısı. Dörtgen waffle içi sade oluyor.Üzerini meyve veya çikolata ile süsleyebilirsiniz.Ama daha yuvarlak şekilli Waffle içi şekerli bir hamura sahip sade yemenizi tavsiye ederm