4955 Caribbean Way (Magic Kingdom Frontierland), Lake Buena Vista, FL
Attraction · 288 tips and reviews
Chelsea Hudlow: Coordinate a pose for the photo with the other people on the ride! It'll make it more fun for everyone and make a picture worth buying.
4875 Caribbean Way (Magic Kingdom Adventureland), Lake Buena Vista, FL
Attraction · 289 tips and reviews
Chelsea Hudlow: They switched Davy Jones with Blackbeard for the new movie, and it's fun to look for the hiding Jack Sparrow throughout the ride. Make sure you sit in the front if possible, easier to hear everything.
Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World), Lake Buena Vista, FL
Other Event · 117 tips and reviews
Andrea Wells: Get a seat at the Main Street Train Station. You will have a great view and can buzz right down the stairs and out the gate before the mad dash hits for buses, boats & monorails.