Tokyo Sushi Musts!
Sukiyabashi Jiro is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

1. Sukiyabashi Jiro

銀座4-2-15 (塚本総業ビル B1F), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 銀座 · 38 tips and reviews

Chef Bradley B.Chef Bradley Borchardt: (Sukiyabashi JIro in Ginza) An extraordinary experience-the old man (nearly 90 now) made every piece of sushi for us...beyond intense...

Sushi Dai is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

2. Sushi Dai

築地5-2-1 (築地卸売市場6号館), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 築地 · 96 tips and reviews

Chef Bradley B.Chef Bradley Borchardt: . In Tsukiji’s outer market area...some of the best sushi breakfasts...the best o-toro and mirugai I have ever had -Chef Bradley Borchardt

Sushi Kyotatsu is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

3. Sushi Kyotatsu

三里塚御料牧場1-1 (成田空港 第1ターミナル 第3サテライト), 成田市, 千葉県
Sushi Restaurant · 73 tips and reviews

Chef Bradley B.Chef Bradley Borchardt: This sushi bar is such a favorite with me. If you don’t have time to sit down and dine you can get take away and enjoy on the plane... it’s a great introduction or farewell stopping point! - Chef Brad

Nishiazabu Taku is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

4. Nishiazabu Taku

(西麻布 拓)
西麻布2-11-5 (カパルア西麻布 1F), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 西麻布 · 15 tips and reviews

Chef Bradley B.Chef Bradley Borchardt: Chef is a patient and dedicated man and the cross sections of fish and techniques were show -Chef Bradley Borchardt stopping...

Genki Sushi is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

5. Genki Sushi

宇田川町24-8 (レジャープラザビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 宇田川町 · 78 tips and reviews
Isana is one of Tokyo Sushi Musts!.

6. Isana

(細小魚 (いさな))
西麻布1-11-6, 東京, 東京都
Japanese Restaurant · 六本木 · 2 tips and reviews