This 24.5-acre park features the work of world-renowned architects, planners, artists and designers. Read more.
According to the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium tied for home of the best stadium hot dog in 2008. Read more.
The Lincoln Park Zoo is free and open 365 days a year. Read more.
In a suspenseful scene, which was shot at Navy Pier for "The Dark Knight", the Joker (Heath Ledger) pits two ferries full of people - one loaded with citizens, one with prisoners, against each other. Read more.
U.S. Cellular Field opened on April 18, 1991, across the street from old White Sox Park / Comiskey Park, which was built in 1910. Read more.
Chicago-style hot dog toppings should be placed on the dog, not between it and the bun. Always remember to dress the dog and not the bun! Read more.
Superdawg, which has been in business since 1948, sports two curiously dressed, 12-foot winking weenies on its roof (named Maurie and Flaurie after the owners), and provides car-hop service. Read more.
Catch the train, see some art: Internationally renowned painter Alex Katz painted a mural, completed in 1984, which depicts figures in a crowd, and celebrates the diversity of Chicago. Read more.
Step off of the grid: Formerly a suburb, Norwood Park was annexed into Chicago in 1893. It's characterized by streets that follow a curving pattern, unlike that of Chicago’s grid system. Read more.
The Norwood Park Outdoor Pool is a great place to cool off in the steamy summer months.Lounge, splash down the park’s water slide, or dog paddle as you enjoy Chicago’s sunny summer days. Read more.
The Noble-Seymour-Crippen House dates to 1833. It was a farm house. It's now home to the Norwood Park Historical Society. The house is open to visitors on Saturday afternoons or by appointment. Read more.