These are NorCal places where I've performed between 2001-2014, with a few exceptions. Some places where I performed earlier no longer exist, as I began in my youth (out of the area not included).
University · Hayward Highland · 18 tips and reviews
Cathryn Hrudicka: I'll be performing with Cardew Choir + Orchestre dB, a concert of contemporary music by Stravinsky, Stockhausen, Oliveros, and our director, Tom Bickley, at CSU Hayward Music Bldg., 3/6/14 at 7:30 pm.
University · Hayward Highland · 18 tips and reviews
Cathryn Hrudicka: In my parallel life as an artist, I'm performing: Cardew Choir Collaborates with Orchestre dB in Concert, at @CalStateEastBay in Hayward, CA, on Thursday, March 6, 2014:
Cathryn Hrudicka: We performed at the amazing Oliver Ranch, in the Ann Hamilton Tower, in a series of performances of "Tower Ring" by composer Pauline Oliveros (vocal, instrumental & movement, for a private audience).
Cathryn Hrudicka: We (Cardew Choir, one of my performing groups) appeared in a special, live, in-studio performance on Sarah Cahill's show, at her invitation.
Cathryn Hrudicka: We performed in one of the music and dance spaces inside the building. My studio/office is located in another section of the Sawtooth Building.
University · Hayward Highland · 18 tips and reviews
Cathryn Hrudicka: Off to rehearsal in a little while—Cardew Choir + Orchestre dB concert of contemporary music by Stravinksy, Stockhausen, @olivep & Bickley, CSU East Bay, in Hayward, California, on March 6th, 7:30 pm.