Oh, how the mighty have fallen. What used to be Dineyland-lite is now basically a permanent countyfair; complete with vacant-eyed employees, rickety rides, and over-priced food.
Join the email list at castlepark.com (or in the park) for awesome coupons. Also text fun73 to 80672 for more free offers. We've gotten free food, tokens and golf!
Here's the best tip of all...DON'T GO TO THIS PLACE! You'd be better off shredding your money and throwing the shredded pieces in your toilet or better yet the gutter because either of those places ar
Celebrate a birthday, have a party, host corporate team building, or spending quality time with family and friends. Attractions: Buccaneer Cove, Dragon Flyer, Scrambler, Miniature Golf, Arcade, and a Magic Show