10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington
Firehook Bakery and Coffee House is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

1. Firehook Bakery and Coffee House

555 13th street nw (F St), Washington, D.C.
Bakery · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 7 tips and reviews
The Sweet Lobby is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

2. The Sweet Lobby

404 8th St SE (btwn D & E Sts SE), Washington, D.C.
Bakery · Capitol Hill · 40 tips and reviews
PAUL is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.


801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (at US Navy Memorial), Washington, D.C.
Bakery · Penn Quarter · 68 tips and reviews
Buzz Bakeshop is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

4. Buzz Bakeshop

901 Slaters Ln (Portner Rd), Alexandria, VA
Bakery · 110 tips and reviews
Crumbs Bake Shop is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

5. Crumbs Bake Shop

604 11th St NW (at F St NW), Washington, D.C.
Cupcake Shop · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 27 tips and reviews
Society Fair is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

6. Society Fair

277 S Washington St (at Duke St.), Alexandria, VA
Gourmet Store · Old Town · 33 tips and reviews
Spring Mill Bread Co. is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

7. Spring Mill Bread Co.

701 8th St. SE (at G St. SE), Washington, D.C.
Bakery · Capitol Hill · 25 tips and reviews
Baked & Wired is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

8. Baked & Wired

1052 Thomas Jefferson St NW (at K St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bakery · Georgetown · 461 tips and reviews
Georgetown Cupcake is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

9. Georgetown Cupcake

3301 M St NW (at 33rd St.), Washington, D.C.
Cupcake Shop · Georgetown · 407 tips and reviews

Capital SpiceCapital Spice: Go at least once. If only because everyone will ask you if you've been yet.

Bayou Bakery, Coffee Bar & Eatery is one of 10 Must-Visit Bakeries in Washington.

10. Bayou Bakery, Coffee Bar & Eatery

1515 N Courthouse Rd (15th St), Arlington, VA
Cajun and Creole Restaurant · 149 tips and reviews