Watering Holes
Flying Saucer Draught Emporium is one of Watering Holes.

1. Flying Saucer Draught Emporium

14999 Montfort Dr (at Sakowitz Dr), Dallas, TX
Beer Bar · 151 tips and reviews

CA N.CA N: Pub trivia on Tuesday nights! Most fun trivia night in town! It gets pretty raunchy at times, so if you are faint hearted, go elsewhere. ;)

Humperdinks Restaurant & Brewpub is one of Watering Holes.

2. Humperdinks Restaurant & Brewpub

2208 W Northwest Hwy (at Old Gardner Rd), Dallas, TX
Sports Bar · 39 tips and reviews
Double Wide is one of Watering Holes.

3. Double Wide

3510 Commerce St (at Canton St.), Dallas, TX
Dive Bar · 53 tips and reviews
Trinity Hall Irish Pub and Restaurant is one of Watering Holes.

4. Trinity Hall Irish Pub and Restaurant

5321 E Mockingbird Ln (in Mockingbird Station), Dallas, TX
Irish Pub · 92 tips and reviews
Sherlocks Baker Street Pub is one of Watering Holes.

5. Sherlocks Baker Street Pub

9100 N Central Expy (Park), Dallas, TX
Pub · 41 tips and reviews