Things to do in New York City
High Line is one of Things to do in New York City.

1. High Line

btwn Gansevoort & W 34th St (btwn 10th & 12th Ave), New York, NY
Park · Chelsea · 1495 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Un percorso in natura nel cuore della metropoli più bella. Un esempio meraviglioso di riuso e creatività | We love it! Enjoy a gelato walking above NYC and get lost through this park in the sky

2. Chelsea

New York, NY
Neighborhood · 44 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Con le sue gallerie, è il quartiere migliore per osservare le nuove tendenze dell'arte contemporanea | With its many galleries, it's the best place to catch the latest trends in contemporary art

3. Apollo Theater

253 W 125th St (btwn 7th & 8th Ave), New York, NY
Theater · Central Harlem · 142 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Lo storico teatro dove hanno suonato tutti i protagonisti della black music: da Aretha Franklin a Michael Jackson | The historic black music venue, where all the big and famous artists have played

4. Meatpacking District

New York, NY
Neighborhood · 68 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Il quartiere dove trovare alcuni dei ristoranti più interessanti della Grande Mela e scoprire le ultime tendenze in fatto di locali, food e nightlife | The trendiest district for foodies in NYC

Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory is one of Things to do in New York City.

5. Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory

111 N 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY
Chocolate Store · Williamsburg · 103 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Artigiani del cioccolato. Ci accomuna il rispetto del tempo, l'attenzione alle materie prime, la passione per il nostro lavoro | Mast Brothers' lab is special. We share the same passion for good food.

6. Organic Avenue

649 Lexington Ave (btwn 54th & 55th St.), New York, NY
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Midtown East · 35 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Una catena di negozi specializzati in prodotti biologici, naturali e sani, con diversi punti di vendita a NYC | Organic good food. Tasty and fresh products for an healthy lifestyle.

7. Whole Foods Market

10 Columbus Circle (at W 58th St), New York, NY
Grocery Store · Central Park · 349 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Un vero tempio per foodie, ricco di prelibatezze da tutto il mondo, con una grande attenzione al biologico | A real foodie temple, with products from all over the world and much organic food

8. Zabar's

2245 Broadway (at W 80th St), New York, NY
Food and Beverage Retail · Upper West Side · 217 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Un grande negozio di cibo kosher, ma non solo: attrezzi per la cucina e accessori per la tavola | A huge kosher food store, selling also interesting food accessories and tools

9. Union Square Greenmarket

Union Sq W (btwn E 14th & E 17th St), New York, NY
Farmers Market · Union Square · 409 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Il Farmer's Market preferito dai newyorchesi, dove è possibile trovare i migliori prodotti freschi (frutta, verdura, formaggi) | Newyorkers' favourite farmer's market for the freshest produce

10. Jules Bistro

65 Saint Marks Pl (btwn 1st & 2nd Ave.), New York, NY
French Restaurant · East Village · 103 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Sincretismo franco-americano-canadese per questo bistro che serve ottimi brunch, accompagnati da musica live | A mix of French/Canadian/American roots in this bistro: great brunch and live music

11. Dean & DeLuca

620 8th Avenue (at W 40th St.), New York, NY
Gourmet Store · Theater District · 100 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Un'icona del cibo gourmet a New York: panetteria, gastronomia, bottega e ristorante in un unico concept store | An icon of gourmet food in NYC: bakery, foodstore and restaurant, a unique concept

12. Le Pain Quotidien

100 Grand St (at Mercer St), New York, NY
Bakery · SoHo · 113 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: La catena offre gustosi spuntini, ottime colazioni, pranzi e cene a base di prodotti da forno, sempre di alta qualità | A chain offering excellent bakery products and more, at any time of the day.

13. Hale & Hearty

466 Lexington Ave (at E 45th St), New York, NY
Soup Spot · Midtown East · 16 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Una catena che offre zuppe (15 diverse ogni giorno) realizzate con ingredienti freschissimi | A chain where you can find 15 different types of soups everyday, all made with the freshest ingredients

14. Prune

54 E 1st St (btwn 1st & 2nd Ave), New York, NY
American Restaurant · East Village · 292 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Il ristorante della pluripremiata chef Gabrielle Hamilton, che offre una cucina di altissima qualità e creatività | The restaurant is owned by Gabrielle Hamilton, famous chef and author

15. Lodge

318 Grand St (at Havemeyer St), Brooklyn, NY
American Restaurant · Williamsburg · 180 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Nel quartiere più hip di New York, il Lodge offre ottimi hamburger e sfiziosi brunch. Il tutto accompagnato da cocktail eseguiti alla perfezione | Delicious hamburgers and brunch, perfect cocktails

16. Roebling Tea Room

143 Roebling St (at Metropolitan Ave), Brooklyn, NY
Tea Room · Williamsburg · 184 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Cucina americana creativa in un ambiente post industriale, dal décor sobrio ma raffinato | American creative cuisine in a post-industrial atmosphere, with a sober still elegant décor

17. New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

476 5th Ave (at W 42nd St), New York, NY
Library · Midtown East · 528 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Monumentale biblioteca. Vale la pena fermarsi nel parco antistante, dove bere un caffè osservando i pattinatori | Huge library, worth a visit for its reading room and the park in front of it

18. Strand Bookstore

828 Broadway (at E 12th St), New York, NY
Bookstore · Greenwich Village · 595 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Libreria fornitissima, famosa anche per i suoi gadget sempre originali e creativi | A must-see for booklovers, the bookstore is famous also for its creative and original gadgets

19. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

70 Lincoln Center Plz (btwn Columbus & 10th Ave), New York, NY
Performing Arts Venue · Lincoln Square · 216 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Musica, spettacoli, opera, performance: il Lincoln Center offre qualsiasi tipo di intrattenimento culturale di qualità | From music to live show, Lincoln Center offers the best cultural entertainment

20. Museum of the City of New York

1220 5th Ave (at E 103rd St), New York, NY
History Museum · East Harlem · 148 tips and reviews

California BakeryCalifornia Bakery: Un viaggio nella storia della città, per conoscere più da vicino la sua storia, la sua cultura, il suo lifestyle unico | An amazing journey through history, to better know NYC's culture and lifestyle