"With thousands of Calgarians attending services at Fosters every year it is odd that no one has taken the time to submit a review either on YELP, Google Plus or www.Calgaryfuneralreview.com. SHARE"
"Mountain View Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home doesn't have a single review on yelp, google or www.Calgaryfuneralreview.com Take the time to review funeral homes to help others in their time of need"
"Great people deserve to hear about it! Read and write reviews about Funeral Homes. Visit Calgary Funeral Review or Yelp or Google Plus pages and leave your comments"
"Read the reviews of Funeral Homes online and share your experiences. Too often people don't take the time to share their experiences. Help others by leaving a review here or on other review websites."
"Too often people don't take the time to share experiences with others. Share your experiences by reviewing funeral homes on yelp, google and www.Calgaryfuneralreview.com."
"Take the time to review funeral homes on yelp, google and www.Calgaryfuneralreview.com. Help others feel more comfortable with their choice of a funeral home in Calgary"