Bear Walk

1. Sproul Hall

Sproul Hall, Berkeley, CA
College Administrative Building · University of California-Berkeley · 4 tips and reviews

CalCal: Spot the bears in the iron balcony railings on Sproul Hall. Circa 1940-41

2. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union

U C Berkeley (University of California), Berkeley, CA
Student Center · University of California-Berkeley · 9 tips and reviews

CalCal: Twelve stylized bronze bears greet you at the doors of the student union.

Sproul Plaza is one of Bear Walk.

3. Sproul Plaza

Sather Rd (Eshleman Rd), Berkeley, CA
College Quad · University of California-Berkeley · 16 tips and reviews

CalCal: On Lower Sproul Plaza, look up to spot the Golden Bear on the 18' foot column, a donation from the class of 1929

4. Berkeley Faculty Club

UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
University · University of California-Berkeley · 11 tips and reviews

CalCal: In the Northwest corner of the building, you'll find a grizzly bear at the Golden Bear Lodge.

Campanile (Sather Tower) is one of Bear Walk.

5. Campanile (Sather Tower)

Campanile Esplanade, Berkeley, CA
Scenic Lookout · University of California-Berkeley · 18 tips and reviews

CalCal: The Campanile is home to the 10,500 pound Great Bear Bell, which has the image of young bears and the constellation Ursa Major. The bell tolls on the hour and was a gift of Evelyn and Jerry Chambers.

University Hall is one of Bear Walk.

6. University Hall

UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
College Administrative Building · Downtown Berkeley · 3 tips and reviews

CalCal: Can you spot the infamous Graduating Bear? Look near the Northeast entrance to the building.