Cafe Tapas

Cafe Tapas

Tapas Restaurant, Café, and Cocktail Bar$$$$
Photos6 Photos
Cafe Tapas
Cafe Tapas
October 3, 2013
Photo taken at Cafe Tapas by Cafe Tapas on 10/3/2013
Boris B.
Boris B.
January 9, 2014
Photo taken at Cafe Tapas by Boris B. on 1/9/2014
Pascal S.
Pascal S.
February 14, 2014
Photo taken at Cafe Tapas by Pascal S. on 2/14/2014
Posh interior with affordable tapas. Cakes are delightful
Maqui B.
Maqui B.
June 9, 2011
Posh interior with affordable tapas. Cakes are delightful
Alessandro U.
Alessandro U.
December 5, 2013
Photo taken at Cafe Tapas by Alessandro U. on 12/5/2013
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