If you made it here for a quick fast lunch you are in for lots of options; sushi, korean, pasta station, salad - this place has it all. Try the ramen if its cold!
Spinach salad with 6 ingredients is a steal at $7. I go breaded chicken, egg whites, red beans, avocado, olives, baby corn. Ignore those salad snobs who insist on paying north of $10 at Dean&Deluca.
For $8.95 (+tax), you can have a delicious lunch for champions: SPICY CHICKEN! Order across from the salad bar. (P.s. It's not that spicy. More like medium. Medium spicy chicken)..
PRO TIP: There is a back entrance on Mercer that lets you avoid the Broadway pedestrian traffic and skip the slow folks getting into the depths of Cafe Duke!
Did you know there is an entrance for this place on Mercer? Avoid the tourists on Broadway and head around the corner to the land of cobblestones, slower times, and an entrance off the beaten path.
Great place to grab a quick ANY THING (literally) to eat. Sandwiches/salads/soups/pasta/pizza/udon/ramen & all that. Be forewarned tho, have your money ready to go when u get to the register...or else
At lunchtime, it gets crazy but I still love it. All the udon is great, I usually get mine with tofu. Chicken, shrimp, & beef teriyaki w/ rice is also delicious. -Erica C
They make very good sandwiches and wraps, plus have a make your own pasta or salad section. During lunch time, make sure you know who is next in line to order.
The udon is hands down the best thing here and it's even better than that Jap market on Broome. Def worth the smelly visit to Dukes, I get it spicy with fried tofu!
Not that the spicy tuna roll wasn't okay-fresh & average-grade (tuna) fish that you'd find in any typical deli or supermarket but the spicy mayo wasn't all that good. They used a cheaper, sweet mayo.
I get raisins in my oatmeal here. Not sure where they get them but they are the size of prunes and many still have the stem?! Please use normal raisins please.