The O'List: The Very Best of O'Sheas Casino
O'Sheas Beer Pong Room is one of The O'List: The Very Best of O'Sheas Casino.

1. O'Sheas Beer Pong Room

3500 S Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV
Dive Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Caesars Entertainment Social MediaCaesars Entertainment Social Media: Every Thursday at 4 pm you can enter a beer pong tournament here for a shot at $200 in cash.

2. O'Sheas Poker Room

3555 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV
Casino · 2 tips and reviews

Caesars Entertainment Social MediaCaesars Entertainment Social Media: Lots of affordable games and tournaments spread every day. Plus, this is also the exclusive home of great O'Sheas swag like t-shirts, hats, pint and shot glasses and much more.

3. Dublin Up

3500 Las Vegas Blvd S (@ O'Sheas Casino), Las Vegas, NV
Bar · 4 tips and reviews

Caesars Entertainment Social MediaCaesars Entertainment Social Media: Free live music every single night. Dublin Up alumni include talented bands like Imagine Dragons, recently signed to Interscope Records. You could see the next Killers right here!

Vince Neil Ink is one of The O'List: The Very Best of O'Sheas Casino.

4. Vince Neil Ink

3555 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV
Tattoo Parlor · 3 tips and reviews

Caesars Entertainment Social MediaCaesars Entertainment Social Media: Most of the Strip's great people watching involves being inside, looking out. The showcase studio at Vince Neil Ink lets you watch people get new ink from the Strip's original casino tattoo studio!

5. Subway (O'Sheas)

3555 Las Vegas Blvd S (O'Sheas Casino), Las Vegas, NV
Sandwich Spot · 1 tip

Caesars Entertainment Social MediaCaesars Entertainment Social Media: Get your Jared on 24 hours a day. Cheap late-night dining options are essential at Center Strip!