"appy-tie, mo donut (broken English of wait staff = Would you like an appetizer? More donuts? -- those buttermilk biscuit things they deep fry & cover with sugar)"
· Spring Lake Park, United States
7.2"Not just a bus stop! Great food/shopping nearby to check out while waiting for a bus. Culver's, Taste of Scandinavia (baked goods/bread/sammys), Fortune House Chinese buffet, Dollar Tree, DealSmart."
· Little Canada, United States
"Can have long lines around dinner time on weekends... but great food, great location!"
· Maplewood, United States
6.1"This branch closed in April - the Express Teller ATM is still in the bldg, though...a talking one w/deposit capability. They moved it to a nook across from Potbelly Sandwich works."
· Saint Paul, United States
"Be sure your prescription's ready in advance, unless you like to wait forever and feel like you gotta spend $$ in the store while waiting. PS - I love the cashiers--shopped here since '93."
· Saint Paul, United States
6.0"Nice cabins, fun people. Cheap getaway in beautiful southern MN near Lake Sakatah."
· Waterville, United States