BU Sustainability

BU Sustainability

it is our goal to work with the University to lead campus activities in a more sustainable direction and reduce our environmental impact.

  • 5 Tips
  • 0 Following
  • 16 Lists

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BU Sustainability's Top Cities
1 List Created
Jamaica Plain
1 List Created
5 Lists Created · 5 Tips
2 Lists Created
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1 List Created
BU Sustainability
6 places updated June 11, 2012
6 places including Boston University Stone Science Building, Boston University Fitness & Recreation Center, Boston University Sargent College (BU SAR), Boston University School of Education
BU Sustainability
3 places updated June 6, 2012
3 places including Grove-Cedar Bike Path, The Esplanade, Minuteman Commuter Bikeway
BU Sustainability
52 places updated August 13, 2012
52 places including Blue Bikes @ Northeastern University - North Parking Lot, New Balance Hubway, New Balance Hubway, Hubway
BU Sustainability
7 places updated June 12, 2012
7 places including Arnold Arboretum, Boston Common, Fenway Victory Gardens, Boston Public Garden
BU Sustainability
5 places updated June 6, 2012
5 places including Blue State Coffee, Taza Chocolate, Diesel Café, B.GOOD
BU Sustainability
0 places updated
0 places
BU Sustainability's ListsLists BU Sustainability CreatedLists BU Sustainability Followed
"The Makechnie Study Center was the first space to earn LEED certification on the Charles River Campus."
BU SustainabilityBU Sustainability · June 11, 2012
· Boston, United States
"Check out the Sustainability Resources Center located in the lower level of SED. It has a wide range of books and dvds, and it's also a great place for clubs to meet!"
BU SustainabilityBU Sustainability · June 11, 2012
Academic Building
· Boston, United States
"Occupancy sensors in Mugar help save energy by only lighting up the aisles that you need."
BU SustainabilityBU Sustainability · June 11, 2012
· Boston, United States
"Make sure to remember you're re-usable water bottle! There are plenty of filling stations!"
BU SustainabilityBU Sustainability · June 11, 2012
"A great place to de-stress, and you can access it right from BU Beach! Go for a run, bring your bike, or just chill on one of the docks!"
BU SustainabilityBU Sustainability · June 7, 2012
· Boston, United States