Beautiful patio with an a amazing shade tree on a quiet street with views of the riverSpree. Non-smoking area outside and very kid friendly. Always like to see fair trade coffee being served.
I’ve tried this veganblueberryporridge, loaded with fruits and coconut flakes. Pretty tasty, however it was barely warm, which was a bit upsetting. They served it with fresh orange juice!
The burger's meat patty and fries were clearly from bulk frozen supplies, nothing fresh or tasty about them. The pumpkinpasta was ok, but developed a weird flavor the more I ate. I wouldn't go back.
SchöneTerrasse an der Spree, Bücher zum Schmökern und noch dazu leckeres Essen. Zwei vegane Burgeralternativen - ich hatte den mit Kimchi und Seitan, den ich sehr empfehlen kann. Dazu Beilagensalat.
Burger einfach nur schlecht. Obwohl das Rezept toll klingt war der Burger ein fail. Pettie totgebraten und Brot so hart als ob es zwei Wochen alt ist. Sonst tolle Lage und Gesamtkonzept auch toll.