Please do yourself a favor and pass on the brisket!! It was the WORST I've had in life hands down. Both style of ribs are good. Wings are killer! The yams!!! I will hurt somebody for the yams!
Try a half size of the dark and stormy ribs and another half of chicken! Yams are buttery and yummm! Special homemade lemonades are tart and fruity for the non-alcohol drinkers in the bunch!
We didn’t know what to expect when we heard that Tanya Holland also had a BBQ joint serving what she calls “Oakland BBQ.” She served us the best Shrimp & Grits we’ve ever had - we weren’t dissapointed
As Tasting Table and others have noted, sides like Holland's version of baked beans, using Great Northern beans, ham hocks, and burnt barbecue ends, "almost upstage the barbecue." Read more