A long street going from Thaliastrasse to Yippenplatz, full of stall selling a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, as well as offal (organ meats such as legs, heads, necks, hearts, livers etc).
If you want to explore the city off the tourist paths then it's a great place to experience multicultural Vienna. You can have good deals if you walk around late in the afternoon !
One of the cheapest markets in Vienna. It is possible to find everything here. In the evenings (after 4 pm) prices for vegetables and fruits are reduced
Possibly Vienna's cheapest market for fresh produce. The quality varies wildly, however. Make sure to stroll around and see where you can get the best vegetables and fruit!
Im 16. Bezirk, seit ein paar Jahren ziemlich 'in'. Sehr nette Lokale zum am Platzl sitzen. Der Markt selbst Multikulti und bunt. Hier taucht man auch in eine völlig andere Welt ein.
Rund um den Brunnenmarkt in Ottakring, dem 16. Bezirk, hat sich ein bunter und boomender Stadtteil entwickelt. Der Markt selbst verströmt südländisches Flair. Read more