"One minute after prohibition ended on Friday April 7, 1933 Coors Brewery rolled out the first cases of beer, solidifying the ended of the prohibition period."
· Golden, United States
8.1"The Denver Athletic Club was one of the first victims of Prohibition on December 31, 1915 when they were forced to close down their magnificent wine cellar."
Gym and Studio
· Denver, United States
8.5"The Buckhorn Exchange was issued Colorado’s Liquor License No. 1, when the prohibition laws were repealed in 1933."
· Denver, United States
8.0"Six months after the 18th amendment passed in the state of Colorado, 2041 Larimer St. which is currently the Ginn Mill was converted into a political club and social parlor."
· Denver, United States
6.2"During the mid to late 1800's present day Lodo, more specifically Market Street, was known as Denver’s Red Light District."
· Denver, United States