Had escargots, bread, and the lobster bisque. Had a few spoonfuls of the soup before stopping because it was not good. Next morning, vomiting and diarrhea. Pretty sure it was from the soup.
For those of you who've wondered whether they'll pay for your dry cleaning when they spill milk all over you - just checked, they will. Also I now smell of milk.
Positive comments on this place are way over the top. You get ok food for a tourist trap at an ok price. It's definitely not gastronomic paradise some of these other comments make it out to be.
Food is ok, not great or even good. Decor is interesting and distracts you from the poor quality of the food but what really annoyed me was the 15%service charge for rubbish service.
Wonderful interiors and atmosphere totally ruined by mediocre food and extremely inattentive service. The place is okey for a drink or a cup of coffee, not for dinner.
Parisian Brasserie, American Bar & Crazy Coqs Cabaret off Piccadilly Circus: 'Sensational' - Time Out. 'The only real brasserie in London' - Pierre Koffmann