"Order the Ginger Crepe. Waitress named Brenna knows what it is (purple hair, nose piercing). Otherwise, ask for the 'Nati Crepe but substitute the goetta with chicken with hot sauce & maple syrup."
· Cincinnati, United States
8.9"Vending machines on second floor only. Good luck finding your away around the third floor. Most confusing floor on campus."
Academic Building
· Newport, United States
"For wireless Internet, type "Wireless" into the room number/name box. Then say you don't have an account or whatever it says. Voila!"
· Indianapolis, United States
6.9"Dr Henry Hughes hates democrats, lives republicans, and usually finds a way to remind you in every lecture... about physics."
· Newport, United States
"be a douche to the employees and expect doucheness back"
· Florence, United States