whale watch worth every penny, some Humpback's were carousing within 100' of the boar at one time, we saw plenty of whales on this trip.Stay away from the little kids, much barfing going on at times.
Take a leisurely afternoon catamaran ride to the feeding grounds of humpback whales and dolphins in Massachusetts Bay. Tours are led by New England Aquariumeducators and are $45 for adults. Read more
The whale watching tour is excellent. The naturalist on board was incredibly knowledgeable. They are well prepared for seasickness too - they have preventative stuff for sale, and plenty of sick bags
Take a picture of the Boston skyline while in the cruise. You can get dropped off at the USS Constitution for a tour and get picked up again after 1 hour.
Shipping Up to Boston: The End of Summer Cruise Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (EDT) Boston, MA http://shippinguptoboston-bvl.eventbrite.com/
Don't listen to luke s. Yesterday morning they got a group of people doing this in line for the whale watch. They said they got the tip on foursquare too.