New to the Statesboro Herald! Non-subscribers will be able to read 10 articles per month on the site for free! We look forward to offering better ways to serve our community.
Valentine's Day Couples Dinner w/ Champagne at the #Clubhouse Get your own mass email to 19,000+ for $19/ thousand with the Statesboro Herald. Read more
Want more LOCAL followers? Join the NEW Statesboro Herald Friends2Follow! We are excited for what this can do to broaden your reach! Call 912.596.9542 to find out how it works.
Splash in the 'Boro will be having special coupons all summer long! Make sure you get them in YOUR email! Click:
Congratulations to Richard Miller, winner of the $50 Wing Maxx gift card for Pig Skin Pickem! Make your pics now to be a winner!
FREE 2 week Herald print subscription! Come and see Robin Bradford at the Statesboro Herald booth at the Kiwanis fairgrounds Fri & Sat! Check in on Foursqure or Facebook and tag us for a FREE USBdrive
Win $100 from the Statesboro Herald's Race to 5k! Enter daily & be sure to SHARE after you enter for even more chances to win! You must LIKE and ENTER to be eligible. Read more
Check out these great COUPONS from our sponsors of the 4th Annual Cutest Trick'r Treater! Don't forget to enter your lil trick'r treater to win great prizes! Read more
1. Stop by our table TODAY at the Statesboro Fairgounds for Safe Haven fundraiser! (2pm-6pm) 2. Check IN on FourSquare or Facebook & TAG/Mention statesboroherald.com3. Get a FREE 2GB USB JumpDrive!
FREE 3 Month Business Subscription to the Statesboro Herald delivered to your door! Business Owners contact me at (912)596-9542 or to find out how!
WIN $50 in Christmas CASH! "LIKE" on Facebook and enter! Remember to SHARE for even more changes to WIN! Read more
Do you know someone under 40 that has achieved professional success and is active in the community? Nominate them today for the Statesboro Herald 20 under 40! Read more
Our Online Audience is GROWING, AFFLUENT & EDUCATED! Check out our recent stats on how we can get you the customers you are looking for!
1-year eSubscription for $45, (SAVE $30) today only from Statesboro Daily Deals! Click link below!
We are members of the Statesboro community, serving the Statesboro community through news, videos, deals and more. Thanks for being a part of us! We are celebrating our 75th Anniversary in 2012!