Had a strawberrysorbettopopsicle which was beyond sweet to me but I'm not a fruit person. My sister who loves fruit enjoyed hers. There are a lot of interesting items in this store so I'll be back
This is our spot for provisions for a picnic in Prospect Park – you can try everything before you buy. We also love their salted caramelgelato. Actually, everything is perfect.
An excellent cheese and salumi selection from small-batch producers. Try their yummy comfort-focused prepared foods (think turkey meatloaf and roast chicken) when you don’t feel like cooking. Read more
It’s a small shop that you maybe miss walking by. But they got some nice homemade food. Bought a chicken liver paste there. They also carry some nice bean to barchocolate.
The prepared foods may appear deceptively simple, but each one is incredibly flavorful. Good cheese selection with a reasonably knowledgable and very helpful staff.
You can ask to add comte, gruyere, or provolone to any sandwich. Also, almond butter. Get it. And then make a almond butter & jelly sandwich on toast. Like a pb&j but way better.
Omg! The aroma of this sandwich shop is enough for you to want to eat everything in sight. Don't look for Subway prices. This is a gourmet sandwich shop with a organic food and treats fully stocked.
SO MANY GOOD THINGS. Chorizo + manchego sandwich melts in your mouth, mac + cheese warms your tummy, mint chocolate chipgelato is refreshing with every bite. Great cheese selection. Pretty packaging.
delicious soup! try the chicken noodlekale. extensive variety of cheeses, condiments (local & int'l) & a assortment of sweets such as mini woopie pies, lemon bars, olive oil cake, etc.
This place is amazing - everything I’ve ever gotten is top notch. Expensive, but delicious. The staff are also phenomenal. Feels like you’re in Europe.
Grilled cheese on wheat bread was amazing. It definitely satisfied my cheesy, salty mood. On this warm day, the lemonade was refreshing. AND the 50 cents truffle was a special treat! :) Yum!
If nothing else, at least get a fresh baked chocolate chunk cookie- slightly crisp outside, slightly chewy inside with slightly melty chocolate chunks. The cookie has great flavor and is a good size.
I love the look of this place and the location, but boycott it, as i think the prices of their products, sandwiches, cakes and take-out dinners are outrageous and just highway robbery
This is my personal heaven. All the cheese/herbs/meats/jarred goodies you can imagine, and some you can't. Great staff, very friendly. Ask to taste! (4 of 4 petals via Fondu) Read more
The Larder sells lots of imported products, but they definitely carry the best locally made cheese, crackers, pickles, chocolate, bread, etc. If we can't find it at the Greenmarket, we get it here.
While the entire stock is amazing, I found the Ortiz white marinated anchovies to be the single greatest item they have. Do yourself a favor and just get them(in the refrigerator)
The staff is very knowledgeable! The cheeses are awesome, they even make their own sorbet and gelato! They also have a yummy selection of homemade pre-made foods and locally made bread.
The Secret - What set Bklyn Larder apart from the competition are its prepared foods, which range from heritage-pork porchetta to a selection of sandwiches. Read more
Co-owner/ cheesemonger Sergio Hernandez cheese recs: Casa Madaio, raw sheep’s milk cheese/Sardinia. Pleasant Ridge Reserve/Wisc:Alpine style. Wheel, Tomme, & Square: raw milkgoat cheeses. Read more
Bklyn Larder is an environmentally conscious business. It sells sustainably produced ingredients, uses recycled packaging material and is equipped with energy efficient appliances.