Hörsaal 1200 (Technische Universität München), München, Bayern
Movie Theater · Maxvorstadt · 1 tip
Laura Buecheler: It's not like normal cinemas, it's a great experience and a must do for everyone living in Munich! Tickets are 3€ and beer is 1,20€. But you can also bring everything you want! From cocktails to pizza
Art Museum · Buenos Aires - Venezia · 19 tips and reviews
Asi Claypool: Amare la vita attraverso l'arte. Una collezione preziosa, una dimensione temporale, un accento di colore e design in piena Milano. Ingresso gratis
Via Perrotta 12 (Piazza Vincenzo Bellini), Catania, Sicilia
Opera House · Centro Catania · 16 tips and reviews
Asi Claypool: Pochi sanno che dietro le vetrate della facciata c'é una statua di Vincenzo Bellini a grandezza naturale che tiene Toccarla porta fortuna!
C. Postigo de San Martín, 8, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid
Bookstore · Sol · 186 tips and reviews
Lenochka: One of the best bookstores I've ever seen. Excellent books, including those in english, cute stationary and gifts, free wi-fi, bright coffee point and smiling staff. Can I live here?
Lusy Aaltje: They performed 'Panta Rhei II' at Erasmus Huis Jakarta. Recommended one! Beautifully done by friendly performers. Tips for the show: Take photos before & /or after the performance. Avoid corner seats!
Theater · Financial District · 28 tips and reviews
Lusy Aaltje: Pretty well organized theatre even after the show is over. Like in other countries, seat shouldn't be a problem. Save $ on tickets? Invest in theatre binoculars! Front rows? Remember the 'spit range'!
Elise Poulain: Los custodios siempre están de malas y son poco amables. Mejor ni les preguntes nada porque se van a enojar, y para el ingles que manejan no les vas a entender. Y tan bonito lugar en el que trabajan
Johanna Andronis: It's little and out of the way, and you have to deal with shepherd dogs to get to it, but it's got some really awesome (and destroyed, thanks Russia) wall icons.
Janine S.: Wunderschöner Ort, wenn man etwas Ruhe sucht. Direkt an der Fläming-Skate gelegen, auch toll für Hochzeiten und andere Feiern. Zudem Spielstätte des theater89.
пл. Стачек, 4 (просп. Стачек), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Performing Arts Venue · Округ Екатерингофский · 131 tips and reviews
Vimala: Во время антракта можно сходить успеть попить чаю с плюшками в соседнее кафе Бейкер. По левой стороне спиной к выходу из театра. В разы дешевле и уютнее театральной лавки.
Fee: Das Kultur- und Veranstaltungszentrum ist nicht nur aufgrund seiner Architektur überregional bekannt geworden. Die angebotenen Kulturveranstaltungen sind immer wieder eine Reise wert!
Performing Arts Venue · Rosental · 5 tips and reviews
Fee: Das MTB zeigt nicht nur weltbekannte und beliebte Musicals, sondern auch internationale Großproduktionen. Theater und Abendkasse öffnen in der Regel eine Stunde, der Saal 30min vor Vorstellungsbeginn.
Speakeasy · Altstadt Grossbasel · 5 tips and reviews
Fee: Für Rock-Liebhaber: in der Bar gibt es neben Rockmusik Original-Stageoutfits und -Instrumente von Rocklegenden. Für Kunstliebhaber: wechselnde Ausstellungen im Restaurant im 1. Stock.
Fee: Der Kulturhof bietet nicht nur ein umfang- und abwechslungsreiches Veranstaltungsprogramm. Zahlreiche Räume und den wunderschönen Schlosshof kann man auch für eigene Anlässe mieten.
Katrina Schmidt: Seat A32 in the circle for The Book Of Mormon is only £69.50 due to the safety rail restricting your sight line... Hardly! Definitely would recommend for the price!
Cora-Berliner-Str. 1 (Hannah-Arendt-Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Friedrichstadt · 324 tips and reviews
Rieke: It's an impressive monument if you take your time to walk through it. Sometimes there are some idiots around who think that playing hide and seek in such a place was a good idea.
49 avenue Georges Clémenceau, Sceaux, Île-de-France
Theater · 2 tips and reviews
Karine Fabre: Une programmation variée et contemporaine (théâtre, danse ...) à un prix abordable. Beaucoup de pièces en avant-première. Belle salle un peu surchauffée. A 5 mn à pied de la station de RER "Sceaux".
Juwana Jenkins: A wonderful cultural complex, including a guesthouse, cafés, martial arts school and theater hall which also hosts live music performances.
C. de Mallorca, 401 (C. de Sardenya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Church · Barri de la Sagrada Família · 1838 tips and reviews
Jenny Stewart: Even if you just look from the outside, this has to be seen. Get there early to avoid the crowds and book online to beat the queues if you want to go inside.
Husinecká 14 (Seifertova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Camera Store · Praha 3 · 16 tips and reviews
Tetrisa: One of my most favourite places in Prague! A must if you're a polaroid fan or just simply like looking at cool photos)) You can rent their polaroid cameras for free, you only pay for the film!
Alina: Лучше брать билеты на балкон,чем в амфитеатр, - оттуда ничего не видно! Бесы (постановка Любимова), Пристань, Дядя Ваня- обязательны к просмотру. "Мадемуазель Нитуш",- не забывайте, в ТРЕХ отделениях.
Kristina: Facorite place for concerts. Thanks to a beautiful old ceiling the place creates a magnificent atmosphere for intimate concerts. Starring upcoming artists.
Art Gallery · Zeeheldenkwartier · 2 tips and reviews
Yasmin V: Beautiful authentic place with a lovely owner. You'll find beautiful handcrafted products here and don't forget to take a look at the Sunday Mornings at the River' Zine.
Siobhán O'Callaghan: highly recommend the Christoph Schlingensief exhibition (1.12.13 - 19.1.14). Become part of the installation on the groundfloor and feel completely immersed.
Komay Road (in front of Angkor Century Resort) (Behind Angkor National Museum), Siĕmréab, Siem Reap
Circus · 82 tips and reviews
Irina: Artistic, high quality entertainment a-la Cirque du Soleil (but low-key). General seating: $15, reserved priority seating: $35. You can buy gen. tickets at any Blue Pumpkin. Sit in back by the fans.
Via Crociferi (via Teatro Greco), Catania, Sicilia
Historic and Protected Site · Centro Catania · 3 tips and reviews
Lisa Starbucks: We had tickets for the church and the art museum next door. The church is small but breath taking. Don't miss the church next door as well which is free and in renovation.
Debora Tobing: The combination of spectacular angklung performance and adorable kids will give you an adorable cultural experience. See it for yourself! ;)